Nov 12, 2008

Repercussion/Kesan - Action and Reaction

One of the comment on my Pojok of Pojok came from Lilian. This was what she had to say (some of it lah): "Isn't there a choice for the artiste, whether he/she wants to accept a program as such? OR made known earlier what sort of moronic questions would be thrown at them? OR could they choose to just leave the studio and leave the airspace empty for a couple of minutes so that the advertisers would jump up & down due to an empty segment..? =)" Lilian was talking about her disgust over Terjah (focusing on the interview done with Noraniza Idris some time ago). Let's not narrow this down only to Terjah. We broaden this subject okay.

Lilian tak suka betul interview Terjah yang dibuat terhadap Noraniza Idris dulu. Personally, aku kenal Ani ni dan knowledge dia dalam muzik tradisional Melayu sangat-sangat bagus. Kalau interview dia tentang muzik tradisional Melayu, aku rasa banyak ilmu yang boleh kita dapat.

The issues here:
1. Artiste got no choice?
2. Giveaway the questions to the artiste before having them on shot.
3. Could the artistes just leave the studio if they are not satisfied?

Let me try to give my views on this okay. My views are totally personal and they do not implicate anybody's else opinion, solely my own.

Here it goes:
1. Nobody is held at gun point to answer question from journalist okay. Everybody has a choice. Let it be the Prime Minister, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza or even the apek kedai kopi. Ini boleh dikaitkan dengan konsep aksi dan reaksi (dalam English lebih sesuai sebenarnya untuk disebut The Concept of Action and Reaction). Konsep ini akan disudahi dengan repercussion (kesan). Aku tak perlulah go all educational about the ethics of journalism sebab aku dah banyak kali sebut pun kan. Cuma aku rasa apa yang patut ditekankan ialah hak artis itu untuk bersuara atau tidak.

(Aku kena kasi satu situasi contoh: Bayangkan kalau seorang wartawan TV/Majalah/Akhbar yang dikenali ramai terus bertanyakan dengan eksplisitnya soalan kepada salah seorang artis and apa kata kita ambil contoh Fasha Sandha. Apa kata kalau Fasha ditanya: "Betul ke Fasha punca Nora Danish bercerai?")

Gambar ini HOT gila. Kenapalah nak ban dia ni? Kan dia HOT? Kenapalah buat lawak tentang suara dia ni? Kan dia HOT? Haahah.....Kalau HOT aje boleh jadi bagus tak? Entahlah.

Dari segi taste, aku rasa budak ni lagi HOT. Why is that relevant with this article? Well, I don't give a fuck....I just think that she is HOT! Hahahah.

Apa kata kalau Fasha tak jawab? Dan khabarnya sebelum ini, Fasha pernah retaliate dengan kasar terhadap salah seorang wartawan hiburan dan repercussionnya terhadap Fasha ialah she got bad press right after that. Kebanyakan wartawan hiburan khabarnya benci kat dia sebab dia cakap kasar sama dia kasar secara sengaja atau kasar untuk mempertahankan hak dia.

Pendapat aku simple. Fasha ada hak nak cakap "Fuck Off" ke, nak cakap "pergi mampus" ke atau apa sahajalah, as long as she is aware of the repercussion.

So, now what would be the repercussion? Orang kita suka sangat nak "ban" kan? Could that be the repercussion? Kita haramkan Fasha no matter what? Kalau dia menang award pun kita ban dia? Jangan interview dia? Kita kumpulkan ramai-ramai wartawan dan boleh tubuhkan persatuan untuk ban Fasha? Is that the solution? Is that how we educate? Hey, aku bukannya ada jawapan untuk semuanya sebab aku bukan policymakers untuk media-media ni. This is just solely my personal opinion.

Action: Cuma aku pelik. Dulu aku pernah jugak kena maki dengan anak arwah Tun Ghafar Baba, Tamrin Ghafar tentang satu isu politik pada tahun 1992 dulu. Dia maki aku dengan kata aku ni journalist yang tak bertanggungjawab dan masa Datuk Zaman Khan dulu masih Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman, dia pun pernah jerit kat aku serta beberapa teman dengan kata: "You guys are useless bunch of reporters!"

Reaction: Kita tak ban Tamrin Ghafar nor Datuk Zaman Khan, but we pursued the stories sepenuhnya.

Why: Because we are journalists! That's what we do and that is the nature of the business.

Some fucking morons think that they are on the above just because they are journalists is just plain wrong. Itu tentang journalist. Artis pulak macam mana yek?

Datuk Zaman Khan. Dia pernah jerit kat aku dan kawan-kawan reporter dulu kat luar Bukit Aman. Geram betul masa tu, tapi biasalah. Crime Journalist memang dah biasa kena semua tu. Tak ada hal lah!

Kalau tak nak jawab soalan journalist, suka hati koranglah tetapi hidup ini sentiasa ada repercussionnya. Kalau ada harga diri, kalau ada pendirian dalam hidup, apa sahaja repercussionnya boleh diatasi. Say NO if you wanna okay.

2. Giveaway the questions to the artiste before having them on shot.
Depending on the journalist. Dulu masa aku kerja di TV, aku tak suka host aku berdiskusi tentang apa soalan yang akan ditanya, tetapi mereka boleh berdiskusi tentang isu yang akan dijadikan materi program itu. Ini kerana aku mahu nampakkan reaksi/memek muka responden yang ditanya itu. This is normal. Tapi kalau keresahan responden ialah keterlaluan, tak apa untuk discuss sikit soalan yang akan ditanya.

3. Could the artiste just leave the studio if they are not satisfied?
Nobody is held at gun point here. As I said, there will be repercussion. Nasir Jani did said: "Fuck" on national TV and kesannya dia tidak lagi diundang di TV. Orang macam Nasir Jani ada perjuangan yang nak dijuangkan dan media adalah landasan terbaik but by saying "fuck" on national TV, he had "fucked" his own mission.

There will always be action and reaction in this line of duty and both, the journalist and respondents (sama ada artis ke, ahli politik ke, apek ke, nyonya ke) dan apa yang paling penting untuk difikirkan ialah the "REPERCUSSION".

Orang Melayu kata: "Berani buat berani tanggung". Orang Melayu kata lagi: "Kalau takut dipukul ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantai." Ini bukan retorik sangat, tapi kalau dah terlalu bodoh untuk faham, orang Melayu ada juga kata: "Biarkan luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya...biarkan....biarkan..."

Bila lah agaknya kita nak tengok diorang kena Terjah pulak. Mesti best kan?

Keep it cool people!


Anonymous said...

well bro badut sarkis yang dua ekor tu kalau ikut hati mmg aku bukan nak terjah aku ada segment baru for this 2 jokers it will be called.. "lanyak" hahahhahaha apa nak buat coz malaysia tak mcm states first ammendment kita tak der if not surely aku 'lanyak' depa nie dua dua big time criminal...hehhehehehe

apa apa pun hidop AYAH PIN.....and his sky commanders hahahahah

Anonymous said...

wahh..syoknyer fuck fuck iyer.jamrud fuck off dalam suti dan terjo kehkehkeh.

Anonymous said...

masalahnya, ada segolongan "wartawan" yang "gila". You said no gun is pointed to anybody`s head but then that wartawan and the piere is one good example of betapa bodohnya some wartawan. I kena tabik dengan piere walaupun kena hassled like hell, dia bersabar. Some others would have slap that wartawan fella.

Kes Fasha, now my question is why on earth semua wartawan (if not all, most) boycott/ban dia? bukan kah ke dumb act?

Anonymous said...

kes mak ayam azwan ali yg trang2 kondem wrtawan paper UM dlm ntional tv xsudah2 pe kes plak bro?


DonCorleone said...

Awangsulungmerahmenyala - Surti dan Tejo sentiasa buat aku senyum! Hahah

Anonymous 1 - Aku pun secara tak langsung suka jugak atas keberanian Pierre sebab dia tahu akan attack media selepas ini dan dia nampaknya berani berdepan dengan itu. And soal Fasha kena ban tu aku mmg tak faham sebab aku tak amalkan cara tu.

Anonymous 2 - Azwan Ali kondem dan seolah-olah nak "berperang" dengan press itu adalah tindakan yang tidak bijak for somebody who actually have a legal background as him. But maybe, it was his opportunity to get more publicity kot. You know the saying rite: "No such thing as bad press anyway!"

klubbkidd said...

i believe in this.

there are no such things as dumb questions, only dumb answers.

and problem is, as dumb as some of the questions get, more ridiculous are the answers. LOL!

bab fasha and pierre lain. though i won't comment on the differences. but i think in some situations, since some do believe that any press is good press, a ban is at times required to weed out certain acts who play manipulator. i think you get what i mean.

DonCorleone said...

Klubkidd - We (journlists) mite not agree, but Dr Lim Swee Thin punya opinion pulak: "Good answer will come with good questions especially in a question and answer article."

And as for Fasha and Pierre, yes - I do understand! :)

Hazrey said...

kenapalah pepagi aku bukak blog kau ni, aku terus terasa getaran dalam jiwa, tengok gambo fasha.. terus aku macam mengantuk dan suruh bini aku ambik mc. tak baiklah kau buat macam ni kat aku..

Everyone: The truth is, there are still journalist that are bunch of scumbags and do not know where to draw the line. meh kita bukak kelas kewartawanan.

Bro, im taking over media club here.. nak jadik associate member?

klubbkidd said...

hazrey : yes, it's true. but then again, do the honest well meaning ones survive?

Don : bab PR seseorang artis, if they know how to take on a good question, it's all the better for them. unless the media bodies out there (and there are a lot mushrooming) get some proper training. mana la zaman2 memasing kena lalui cours, crime, news and such before eventually being tranferred elsewhere.
i did my time, but masa masuk entertainment, i know some people though i knew shit cause they went straight into entertainemnt.
oh well...

Anonymous said... tk menulis lg ke dlm

DonCorleone said...

Klubkidd - Media bodies? IAM? Press Council? Mana diorang ni semua? Aku tak tahu and tired of waiting.

Anonymous - Terima kasih kerana mengingatkan. Hehehe...malam ni gua tulis.

Anonymous said...

your writings buat aku terkenang kembali zaman ketika masih menuntut di sebuah IPT;subjek Etika Kewartawanan. =)

Nov 12, 2008

Repercussion/Kesan - Action and Reaction

One of the comment on my Pojok of Pojok came from Lilian. This was what she had to say (some of it lah): "Isn't there a choice for the artiste, whether he/she wants to accept a program as such? OR made known earlier what sort of moronic questions would be thrown at them? OR could they choose to just leave the studio and leave the airspace empty for a couple of minutes so that the advertisers would jump up & down due to an empty segment..? =)" Lilian was talking about her disgust over Terjah (focusing on the interview done with Noraniza Idris some time ago). Let's not narrow this down only to Terjah. We broaden this subject okay.

Lilian tak suka betul interview Terjah yang dibuat terhadap Noraniza Idris dulu. Personally, aku kenal Ani ni dan knowledge dia dalam muzik tradisional Melayu sangat-sangat bagus. Kalau interview dia tentang muzik tradisional Melayu, aku rasa banyak ilmu yang boleh kita dapat.

The issues here:
1. Artiste got no choice?
2. Giveaway the questions to the artiste before having them on shot.
3. Could the artistes just leave the studio if they are not satisfied?

Let me try to give my views on this okay. My views are totally personal and they do not implicate anybody's else opinion, solely my own.

Here it goes:
1. Nobody is held at gun point to answer question from journalist okay. Everybody has a choice. Let it be the Prime Minister, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza or even the apek kedai kopi. Ini boleh dikaitkan dengan konsep aksi dan reaksi (dalam English lebih sesuai sebenarnya untuk disebut The Concept of Action and Reaction). Konsep ini akan disudahi dengan repercussion (kesan). Aku tak perlulah go all educational about the ethics of journalism sebab aku dah banyak kali sebut pun kan. Cuma aku rasa apa yang patut ditekankan ialah hak artis itu untuk bersuara atau tidak.

(Aku kena kasi satu situasi contoh: Bayangkan kalau seorang wartawan TV/Majalah/Akhbar yang dikenali ramai terus bertanyakan dengan eksplisitnya soalan kepada salah seorang artis and apa kata kita ambil contoh Fasha Sandha. Apa kata kalau Fasha ditanya: "Betul ke Fasha punca Nora Danish bercerai?")

Gambar ini HOT gila. Kenapalah nak ban dia ni? Kan dia HOT? Kenapalah buat lawak tentang suara dia ni? Kan dia HOT? Haahah.....Kalau HOT aje boleh jadi bagus tak? Entahlah.

Dari segi taste, aku rasa budak ni lagi HOT. Why is that relevant with this article? Well, I don't give a fuck....I just think that she is HOT! Hahahah.

Apa kata kalau Fasha tak jawab? Dan khabarnya sebelum ini, Fasha pernah retaliate dengan kasar terhadap salah seorang wartawan hiburan dan repercussionnya terhadap Fasha ialah she got bad press right after that. Kebanyakan wartawan hiburan khabarnya benci kat dia sebab dia cakap kasar sama dia kasar secara sengaja atau kasar untuk mempertahankan hak dia.

Pendapat aku simple. Fasha ada hak nak cakap "Fuck Off" ke, nak cakap "pergi mampus" ke atau apa sahajalah, as long as she is aware of the repercussion.

So, now what would be the repercussion? Orang kita suka sangat nak "ban" kan? Could that be the repercussion? Kita haramkan Fasha no matter what? Kalau dia menang award pun kita ban dia? Jangan interview dia? Kita kumpulkan ramai-ramai wartawan dan boleh tubuhkan persatuan untuk ban Fasha? Is that the solution? Is that how we educate? Hey, aku bukannya ada jawapan untuk semuanya sebab aku bukan policymakers untuk media-media ni. This is just solely my personal opinion.

Action: Cuma aku pelik. Dulu aku pernah jugak kena maki dengan anak arwah Tun Ghafar Baba, Tamrin Ghafar tentang satu isu politik pada tahun 1992 dulu. Dia maki aku dengan kata aku ni journalist yang tak bertanggungjawab dan masa Datuk Zaman Khan dulu masih Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman, dia pun pernah jerit kat aku serta beberapa teman dengan kata: "You guys are useless bunch of reporters!"

Reaction: Kita tak ban Tamrin Ghafar nor Datuk Zaman Khan, but we pursued the stories sepenuhnya.

Why: Because we are journalists! That's what we do and that is the nature of the business.

Some fucking morons think that they are on the above just because they are journalists is just plain wrong. Itu tentang journalist. Artis pulak macam mana yek?

Datuk Zaman Khan. Dia pernah jerit kat aku dan kawan-kawan reporter dulu kat luar Bukit Aman. Geram betul masa tu, tapi biasalah. Crime Journalist memang dah biasa kena semua tu. Tak ada hal lah!

Kalau tak nak jawab soalan journalist, suka hati koranglah tetapi hidup ini sentiasa ada repercussionnya. Kalau ada harga diri, kalau ada pendirian dalam hidup, apa sahaja repercussionnya boleh diatasi. Say NO if you wanna okay.

2. Giveaway the questions to the artiste before having them on shot.
Depending on the journalist. Dulu masa aku kerja di TV, aku tak suka host aku berdiskusi tentang apa soalan yang akan ditanya, tetapi mereka boleh berdiskusi tentang isu yang akan dijadikan materi program itu. Ini kerana aku mahu nampakkan reaksi/memek muka responden yang ditanya itu. This is normal. Tapi kalau keresahan responden ialah keterlaluan, tak apa untuk discuss sikit soalan yang akan ditanya.

3. Could the artiste just leave the studio if they are not satisfied?
Nobody is held at gun point here. As I said, there will be repercussion. Nasir Jani did said: "Fuck" on national TV and kesannya dia tidak lagi diundang di TV. Orang macam Nasir Jani ada perjuangan yang nak dijuangkan dan media adalah landasan terbaik but by saying "fuck" on national TV, he had "fucked" his own mission.

There will always be action and reaction in this line of duty and both, the journalist and respondents (sama ada artis ke, ahli politik ke, apek ke, nyonya ke) dan apa yang paling penting untuk difikirkan ialah the "REPERCUSSION".

Orang Melayu kata: "Berani buat berani tanggung". Orang Melayu kata lagi: "Kalau takut dipukul ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantai." Ini bukan retorik sangat, tapi kalau dah terlalu bodoh untuk faham, orang Melayu ada juga kata: "Biarkan luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya...biarkan....biarkan..."

Bila lah agaknya kita nak tengok diorang kena Terjah pulak. Mesti best kan?

Keep it cool people!


Anonymous said...

well bro badut sarkis yang dua ekor tu kalau ikut hati mmg aku bukan nak terjah aku ada segment baru for this 2 jokers it will be called.. "lanyak" hahahhahaha apa nak buat coz malaysia tak mcm states first ammendment kita tak der if not surely aku 'lanyak' depa nie dua dua big time criminal...hehhehehehe

apa apa pun hidop AYAH PIN.....and his sky commanders hahahahah

Anonymous said...

wahh..syoknyer fuck fuck iyer.jamrud fuck off dalam suti dan terjo kehkehkeh.

Anonymous said...

masalahnya, ada segolongan "wartawan" yang "gila". You said no gun is pointed to anybody`s head but then that wartawan and the piere is one good example of betapa bodohnya some wartawan. I kena tabik dengan piere walaupun kena hassled like hell, dia bersabar. Some others would have slap that wartawan fella.

Kes Fasha, now my question is why on earth semua wartawan (if not all, most) boycott/ban dia? bukan kah ke dumb act?

Anonymous said...

kes mak ayam azwan ali yg trang2 kondem wrtawan paper UM dlm ntional tv xsudah2 pe kes plak bro?


DonCorleone said...

Awangsulungmerahmenyala - Surti dan Tejo sentiasa buat aku senyum! Hahah

Anonymous 1 - Aku pun secara tak langsung suka jugak atas keberanian Pierre sebab dia tahu akan attack media selepas ini dan dia nampaknya berani berdepan dengan itu. And soal Fasha kena ban tu aku mmg tak faham sebab aku tak amalkan cara tu.

Anonymous 2 - Azwan Ali kondem dan seolah-olah nak "berperang" dengan press itu adalah tindakan yang tidak bijak for somebody who actually have a legal background as him. But maybe, it was his opportunity to get more publicity kot. You know the saying rite: "No such thing as bad press anyway!"

klubbkidd said...

i believe in this.

there are no such things as dumb questions, only dumb answers.

and problem is, as dumb as some of the questions get, more ridiculous are the answers. LOL!

bab fasha and pierre lain. though i won't comment on the differences. but i think in some situations, since some do believe that any press is good press, a ban is at times required to weed out certain acts who play manipulator. i think you get what i mean.

DonCorleone said...

Klubkidd - We (journlists) mite not agree, but Dr Lim Swee Thin punya opinion pulak: "Good answer will come with good questions especially in a question and answer article."

And as for Fasha and Pierre, yes - I do understand! :)

Hazrey said...

kenapalah pepagi aku bukak blog kau ni, aku terus terasa getaran dalam jiwa, tengok gambo fasha.. terus aku macam mengantuk dan suruh bini aku ambik mc. tak baiklah kau buat macam ni kat aku..

Everyone: The truth is, there are still journalist that are bunch of scumbags and do not know where to draw the line. meh kita bukak kelas kewartawanan.

Bro, im taking over media club here.. nak jadik associate member?

klubbkidd said...

hazrey : yes, it's true. but then again, do the honest well meaning ones survive?

Don : bab PR seseorang artis, if they know how to take on a good question, it's all the better for them. unless the media bodies out there (and there are a lot mushrooming) get some proper training. mana la zaman2 memasing kena lalui cours, crime, news and such before eventually being tranferred elsewhere.
i did my time, but masa masuk entertainment, i know some people though i knew shit cause they went straight into entertainemnt.
oh well...

Anonymous said... tk menulis lg ke dlm

DonCorleone said...

Klubkidd - Media bodies? IAM? Press Council? Mana diorang ni semua? Aku tak tahu and tired of waiting.

Anonymous - Terima kasih kerana mengingatkan. Hehehe...malam ni gua tulis.

Anonymous said...

your writings buat aku terkenang kembali zaman ketika masih menuntut di sebuah IPT;subjek Etika Kewartawanan. =)