Nov 9, 2008

Tentang skrip Anugerah Skrin 2008

Aku dengar beberapa komen tentang Anugerah Skrin 2008 yang baru berlangsung tu. Banyak perkara dikomenkan termasuklah skrip yang aku tulis untuk host dan penyampai anugerah. Ada blog milik Joe Lee siap kata: "The script was horrible!" Dan blog Sultanmuzzafar pula kata, dia suka akan skrip spontan Aznil dan Zul Huzaimy dan blog itu siap tunjukkan skrip asal aku yang langsung tidak diikuti oleh kedua-dua bintang popular itu.

Masa aku start kerja di TV3 dulu, aku pantang kalau ada program yang tak ada skrip. Aku selalu kata, sama ada nak ikut atau tidak, aku mahu semua writer tulis skrip sebab: "Your TV station is libel for anything any fucker say on national TV." Remember Teleskop yang diacarakan oleh Suhaimi Sulaiman dulu dalam tahun 1991 di mana Nasir Jani jerit: "Fuck off" dan akhirnya Menteri Penerangan, Datuk Mohamad Rahmat keluarkan keputusan supaya rancangan berkenaan diharamkan? Nasir Jani tak kena apa-apa, but TV station tanggung malu dari segi reputasi dan rugi daripada pengiklan yang sudah booked slot rancangan itu.

Ambil contoh lagi Faizal Tahir bukak baju masa rancangan live. Bila keadaan itu berlaku, kerajaan mengharamkan 8TV buat live show selama 3 bulan. Faizal rugi sikit tetapi stesen TV rugi banyak.

Sejak Teleskop tu lagi, aku dah ada pendapat bahawa kalau kita buat skrip TV (terutama format Siaran Langsung), kita perlu ada skrip supaya everybody would be accountable for every damn thing that is said on national TV.

Konsep adlib (penyampaian secara spontan) berlaku dalam kebanyakan rancangan TV tetapi apabila ia berlaku dalam rancangan format siaran langsung, mereka di sebalik penyiaran rancangan berkenaan selalu cuak kerana takut apalah yang akan disampaikan oleh orang yang bercakap itu. (Ingat kekecohan rancangan Sensasi di mana this idiot actress hina isteri Nabi Muhammad S.A.W?). Alangkah indahnya kalau kita tahu si bodoh itu akan bercakap begitu supaya kita langsung tak jemput dia kan?

Dalam erti kata lain, apabila sesebuah skrip ditulis, penulisnya mempunyai pelbagai misi tersendiri dan aku selama-lama (for the longest time actually) sentiasa saja mahu impart wisdom biarpun secubit. Skrip bagi aku harus ada ilmu. Kalau setakat bercakap dan tak ada ilmu langsung, baik tak payah sama ada ia skrip untuk rancangan Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) ataupun Anugerah Juara Lagu (aku juga menulis skrip AJL Final sejak 3 tahun dah).

Now let's talk about the spontaneous scripting done by Aznil and Zul Huzaimy at the award show the other day. Daripada ikut skrip yang memperkatakan tentang the craze over serial drama (Drama Siri Berantai), they chose to make themselves "popular" by making jokes about other people (hence, Aznil made fun of Fasha's weird voice). No offense, but, where is the wisdom there?

Ambil contoh masa Que Haidar, Saiful Apek dan Kencana sampaikan award untuk Lakon Layar. Que baca sebijik-sebijik skrip itu and walaupun it looked like a farce, but the whole script was to define the actual meaning of a Screenplay.

Imparting wisdom. Yes, that is my justification in any script that I write but the masses seem to think that an award show is how could one be funny in Aznil and Zul Huzaimy's way. ...(Nama you apa? kindda joke) and to say, that is what the masses want would be hypothetical because I do not have the research findings to say that, but the media seems to be the voice of the masses these days.

Aku jumpa Director of Festival dari American Film Institute (AFI), Christian Ganes, masa aku kerja Finas dulu pada 2003 dan aku ada tanya tentang scripting an artiste in a live program such as Golden Globe Awards atau Academy Awards (Oscar). Aku tanya dia: "How do you get great actors like Al Pacino, Robert De Niro or even bad boy like Sean Penn to actually read whatever you write when presenting an award on live programs such as The Golden Globe or the Oscar?" Dia jawab: "We don't ask, we tell. Besides, they will follow the script anyway. They don't want to appear stupid in front of 80 million people that are watching the show."

Aku fikir, kenapa orang macam Pacino atau Penn tak try buat lawak ke, joke bodoh-bodoh ke masa sampaikan anugerah? Dan aku came up with a hypothesis that if I were Pacino yang pernah menang award Best Actor and yang dah ada reputasi hebat dalam dunia filem, I would not want to look stupid on TV either.

But then again, if these artistes want to measure their credibility and popularity by the amount of people laughing at their jokes, so be it, but in my head, are they laughing because the jokes are funny or just plainly laughing at those presenters?

Results may vary.

Zulhuzaimy patut cakap tentang keperluan rancangan muzikal di TV manakala as you can see Aznil was supposed to tell about how TV needs to have a balance between information and entertainment. But hey, people laughed at their jokes (which was not from the script). I guess they won. I wanted to impart wisdom but it did'nt work. Well, so be it. I won't quit.

Keep it cool people.


klubbkidd said...

sabar la bro. huahuahua... no offence, but get a moron to read bill shakespeare pun, it would sound horrid kan? huahuahua

it's always about chemistry anyway kan. i mean those yucky ad-filler moments where they bring some comedians pun sakit hati kekadang ngan jokes yang pukeyfying... but it's a must have.

me taking into context where the script was challenged to serve up more, as the momentum of the show was slow, what with some of the worst musical performances chosen.
and it was expected to sort of serve as a lifesaver, but didn't.

unfair maybe.. but nak wat camna. i know your work, and you know aku tak mean it personally, so hope you take my one line bitching positively (hears screaming pasal how the hell you take 'it was horrible' positively.

heh... we all have thick skin to protect our sensitive creative souls. you can prove everyone wrong soon enough.


PS - jangan amik hati tau abang saniboey. huahuahua... cepat tua kang.

Anonymous said...

you have done a good jobs bro..
pedulikan apa penyampai tu least kalau ada menda2 yg tak sepatutnya berlaku, you dah ada black and white utk defend you..

satu lagi kalau next time kalau you tulis script lagi..cuba letak in point form..tentu mengelabah artis/penyampai tu nak elaborate..he he..

kdg2 mmg ada org yg tak appreciate kemudahan yg dah disediakan utk diaorg sampailah kemudahan itu ditaidakan..baru diaorg nak menyesal

DonCorleone said...

Klubkidd - Things are taken personally at all time. No worries. It's a normal human psyche. But most importantly, it did'nt offend me at all, malah i took it as an opportunity to educate more. so, I should be thankin you sebenarnya for having an opinion about the script. So here it goes: "Thanks". :)

Superzac - I know u know what i mean. A good script can only be delivered by fantastic people like you. When people like you presents it, you know what I always say: "Script is merely a script, delivery is more important." Aku berani cakap macam tu bila aku tahu aku deal dengan presenter yang layak baca skrip tu.

DonCorleone said...

Anonymous - Thanks. Aku teringat Datuk Sharifah Aini mintak aku buat acceptance speech dia masa dia dapat Lifetime Achievement Award di AIM dulu. Dia baca semua yang aku tulis. Tak ada sapa tahu yang aku tulis but Kak Pah really look good at that time. :)

klubbkidd said...

owh.. bab hypocrite tu was one part aku lupa puji. that one had me laughing like hell! LOL!!!!!!!!!!

m.addyhadzari said...

Barangkali segelintir artis yang popular macam Aznil N Zul memang lagi suka ambil cara mudah nak dapat perhatian penonton dgn buat cara lawak...tanpa apa2 faedah.
maknanye they never care how to educate the people... walaupun they look stupid on tv...

mindset audien malaysia dah lama diatur macam tu...
so its ur job to change... :D

Siti Fatimah said...

1. sy ase, when my 1st time read ur blog. abg bkn mcm org melayu lain yg mudah sentap apabila ditegur. 1st of all sapa tak sentap. dh la tak bc skrip. dh tu org lain kata mcm2 about skrip yg abg berhempas pulas buat. tapi sy ase. wajar jgk kita trime sedikit sebyk apa yg org lain got to say about us. maybe i'm not good at this too. tp sy ase kdg2 ada kebaikannya.

2. ya the script is a bit boring. esp when adlin mcm syok sendiri atas pentas. lucky there were people laugh at his lame jokes. i got to say it's very lame because it's not outstanding like AFDLIN jokes.

3. but when the clip was turning over to aznil and zulhuzaimy, i think zulhuzaimi was a bit shocked himself too when aznil didn't follow what he is supposed to. obviously aznil started the catastrophe. tapi aznil ni kita tau die dh byk pengalaman dlm industri ni. cara die ejek tentang fasha pn sy rasa lebih sopan dr setengah2 pihak yg ckp mcm2 psl fasha. mgkin fasha akan terasa. but when it came from somebody named aznil she might just smile on it and cekik aznil after the show.

4. betul, kalau kita nk berckp kita perlu ada message yg wajar. mcm aznil ckp mmg menghiburkan tp takde msg. kosong. sy rasa abg perlu gabung tenaga dgn aznil. at least abg bole workout dr segi penyampaian. and educated aznil on something.

well just my 2cents thought. tp ok la jugak.. kdg2 ada jgk yg menghiburkan.

Anonymous said...

Well, if we know "sibodoh" itu akan menghina Nabi, we will advise her not to say that and not "not to invite her'. btw, when one interview someone, there isnt a script to follow by both!

I thought "entertainment" isnt just MUSICAL!

DonCorleone said...

Addy - Aznil memang ada stylenya sendiri dan kita semua dah accept style dia kan? Tak salah and tak juga betul tapi itulah keadaannya sekarang. Susah nak buat perubahan kalau orang tak nak berubah.

Siti Fatimah:
1. Tks for reading. Aku ni jarang sentap sebab to me everything has its logic.
2. Boring script - sangat2 general sebab semua benda ada yang suka and ada yang tak suka. We just have to accept that. i.e Orang yang suka Aznil misalnya akan sentiasa suka walau apa pun dia kata and vice versa. Itu naluri manusia. To me, Adflin is a very very good host and it's due to his experience hosting big shows such as AIM.
3. Fasha's joke - Not fun anymore. Yes, she has weird voice, but she was born with it. Give her a break. Imagine if she is your sister and people make fun, sedih kan?
4. Agreed - Cakap apa pun kena ada mesej!

Anon - A good host would know how to "handle" a guest in the show. But sometimes, unfortunate that certain things happened. Contohnya, I was in the control room when Rosnah Mat Aris said what she said. Imagine if we had Awal cut in when she started saying: "Macam bini Nabi...". Imagine before dia sambung, Awal cut in saying: "Okay...okay...sabar..."

As for entertainment isn't just musical correct and that was my point.

sultanmuzaffar said...

Itu lumrah kan. Kita nak educate, kena teruskan tanpa perlu peduli apa orang nak cakap.

kalau baca balik my entry the first part bercakap tentang how anugerah skrin boleh jadi lagi bagus untuk penerbitan kat malaysia eg tambah kategori jadi setaraf macam ata atau emmy. part tu lagi important dari cerita skrip, tapi as usual orang kita akan cari the sensational part ie skrip the second part of the entry.

apa pun kita dah cuba yang terbaik utk gunakan isu sensasi semata-mata untuk inject elemen wisdom pada pembaca.

DonCorleone said...

Sultan - Normal bro on what u said. It's the human psyche that lead us to see the negativity of things first before we go to the rest. In some ways, it's good too u know what i mean. Anyway, tks man. As i said, I take every opportunity i get to educate. Tks again.

Hazrey said...

deyyyy budak jahat.. aku baru ada masa nak baca blog kau ni. eloklah dari kau tumpang owang punya blog kan. read it through and aku suka pasal journalism ethics. Kau ingat sekarang ni wartawan macam zaman kita ker? Wartawan sekarang, asal boleh. Trust me, asal boleh. Ada pulak tu, pelat pun boleh baca berita. Hahaha.. lawak betul. Pasal scripting live tu, alah bro, ada moderator sekarang ni, tatabahasa pun teruk, dan boleh go through. So, apa nak peliknya, kalau artis buat suka hati diaorang? sebab dah ada precedence, so tak boleh salahkan artis semata mata, they should look into their house, kenapa jadik macam tu. fasha? ermm.. nice body beb.. heheh.. surely drooling over it.. akakakakak.. cerita pasal artis ni, diaorang ni ada value ker? buat apa nak peningkan kepala. tul tak? baik kita pi makan lala bro, lagi best, boleh tinggalkan handphone sedekah kat orang.. kan kan kan

Anonymous said...

relax bro si zul huzaimy tu buta huruf ....that is why he cant read the script aznil as usual laaa try to get lucky with the rempit for que he is going to be the next sensational actor..tu pasal dia displin..

as for the bitch aka whore that appeared in SENSASI well GOD also cant help her anymore...she is the mistakes that even GOD admit of creating such a slut....


Anonymous said...

If only AWAL knew what "sibodoh" tu really want to say even though she started to say "macam bini nabi..". Youb are expecting too much of Awal or anybody!

DonCorleone said...

Hazrey - Terima kasih sebab baca yek! Bila kau sebut "kau ingat wartawan zaman sekarang macam zaman kita ker?" aku dah tak peduli dah isinya...aku dok fikir pulak...macam kita ni tua. Kau kan lebih tua dari aku? So...DO NOT SAY: "Zaman kita!!!! "What the fuck man? Nanti orang tau lah kita ni tua!!!" Hahahaha

Anonymous 1 - I know who you are man! Hahahaha. Aku faham and aku tahu kau faham aku!

Anonymous 2 - I expect the sky man (all the time) cause it drives you to get the best from your host. Namun, at the same time, kalau benda dah nak jadi, ia akan tetap jadi. "Kun fa ya kun!" But, nevertheless, prevention is always good, hence, follow the script and always be on alert!

Hazrey said...

DonCorleone, fuck you, we are both old.. people can easily fucking click your name and see you are old, you ungrateful fucker. dont fuck around with your words when you dont fucking knows what you are fucking say. Jap, aku kira, baper round dah tu? That's fuck kan. ehh awat orang pakai anonymous ni, takut kantol ker? Fuck la, reveal yourself laa.. tapi fucklah kan, nanti kalau kau reveal, pastu those fucking asshole tau who you are, and you are being fucking bold, sure you'll be fuck up kan. So stay the fucking anonymous, you fucking dude. Hehe.. dont blame me, i learn this fucking language from the author of this blog, he is so damn fucking irrirates. Eh bro, when are you gonna write about Mawi?

DonCorleone said...

Salam to all - This is an announcement - Kalau you all rasa Hazrey ni telah excessively menggunakan perkataan Fuck, sila beritahu saya supaya saya boleh HARAMKAN dia! Kah kah kah

(Jokes long as the word is not use in a sexual manner....suka hati koranglah!)

klubbkidd said...

like i said, the word 'fuck' is easy to sum up aggression. delivering that frustration or vnting that anger in more elaborate words is harder of a challenge.

tapi kan...

ada aku kisah? layan! best! huahuahua...

like the entertainment business, at the end of the day, none of us are curing cancer here.

saniboey hanj kata nak call merk! babs lu! huahuahua

DonCorleone said...

Klubkidd - "Abang" call you esok yek. Today deadline yang buat aku luar biasa sibuk plak. Kesian kat "Abang"...tak sempat nak buat apa2 entry pun today!

Anonymous said...

totally agreed with you sani, coz many of my hosts are like that even we spoon feed them with proper scripts but still bodoh and gagap.. worst goreng sendiri sampai lupa inti..

abt ur scripts - this is what i think all tv station must set a rule when hiring emcee/hosts/anchor etc .. that they must do as what we tell them so.

Sayang.. budak budak behind production/prgram penat penat buat research, prepare this and that berminggu2.., but once on air, everything hancur sekelip mata by stupid ego hosts konon dah terror adlib but forgot their role to communicate and to deliver good message to viewers..

mak dah tak larat dah,.. ramai sgt sekarang perasan depa host popular bila dapat berlakon .. viewers tgk mcm bagus jer.. but hakikat some of this hosts lawan taukey.. lawan crew, lawan producer, salahkan producer, etc.. dah la lambat.. bodoh sombong..

ni memang tgh sakit hati pun... :p


DonCorleone said...

Mama, u know i feel for you rite. I still remember one of our top host, Ogy Ahmad Daud, maki-maki my production team (incl my producer) in Penang when she was supposed to host our Hadhari concert. She was angry entah kenapa and claimed my staff were unprofessional and that she had to hold a bunch of A4 size paper on stage sebab tak ada q-card. I remember when i was working with Sarimah....we just email her the script and she will do her own q-cards and all u know. So, I guess different host, different kind of mentality. Tapi mentaliti macam pandai ni memang banyak aje di mana-mana kan?

Anonymous said...

huhuhu...sori tuan rumah..but the script thats nigth was bored.....hope u can write script that academic + humor not academic only...that can make it not interesting....lagipon aku rase aznil n zul tu pon baru dpt idea camne nak havockan Anugrh Skrin pada mlm tu sbb rate2 mmg nmpk membosankan,....dgn penontonnya yg mlm tepok..n tak semeriah sblm nie..kalo mcm sblm nie pengacara yg over...but still meriah...sbb taun nie pengacara tak berape n ceria...n script pon malam itu menjadi kurang umphh...ditmbh pula dengan persembahan yg entah ape2...satu lagu pon xde yg bersesuaian dengan mlm tu....apesal amik lagu lain semua?..apesal xgunekan je algu2 yg melatari drama or filem pada mlm tu..kan lagik better..hope next time..buat script yg nmpk akademik sket n plus dgn lawak yg membina yg dpt buat org ketawa....just my 2 cents...peace...

DonCorleone said...

Anonymous - The show was conceptualized like that. They went with that theme. As for the boring script - I would say memang biasalah...ada suka, and ada yang tak suka. I get that every year.

Anonymous said...

Boey...i totally agree with you.

We can never educate those who do not want to be educated.

Trust me, i see this everyday.

Anonymous said... that...btw....teruskan usaha anda...n don;t give up k....bukan senang nak puaskan hati semua org...

DonCorleone said...

Anonymous - Kena ada cult. Kena ada ikutan. Perjuangan seorang diri susah sangat nak menang. Apa kata kita sama-mana kerjasama.

imborntosing said...

Abe Boey,

I totally agree with you. I was at the award show myself and I love the fact that there were so many things to learn from that script you wrote especially that orang Greek cakap actors as being a "hipokrit". I wouldnt know that.

Tapi IZ setuju with DonCorleone, there has to be a cult... hehehe... frustrating it may be but everything starts somewhere.


DonCorleone said...

Imborntosing - The Greek word on hypocrite tu memang awesome kan and I thot Datuk Jalaluddin Hassan sampaikannya dengan baik sangat. And yes, pls help me to get a cult going! Let's do it man!

Nov 9, 2008

Tentang skrip Anugerah Skrin 2008

Aku dengar beberapa komen tentang Anugerah Skrin 2008 yang baru berlangsung tu. Banyak perkara dikomenkan termasuklah skrip yang aku tulis untuk host dan penyampai anugerah. Ada blog milik Joe Lee siap kata: "The script was horrible!" Dan blog Sultanmuzzafar pula kata, dia suka akan skrip spontan Aznil dan Zul Huzaimy dan blog itu siap tunjukkan skrip asal aku yang langsung tidak diikuti oleh kedua-dua bintang popular itu.

Masa aku start kerja di TV3 dulu, aku pantang kalau ada program yang tak ada skrip. Aku selalu kata, sama ada nak ikut atau tidak, aku mahu semua writer tulis skrip sebab: "Your TV station is libel for anything any fucker say on national TV." Remember Teleskop yang diacarakan oleh Suhaimi Sulaiman dulu dalam tahun 1991 di mana Nasir Jani jerit: "Fuck off" dan akhirnya Menteri Penerangan, Datuk Mohamad Rahmat keluarkan keputusan supaya rancangan berkenaan diharamkan? Nasir Jani tak kena apa-apa, but TV station tanggung malu dari segi reputasi dan rugi daripada pengiklan yang sudah booked slot rancangan itu.

Ambil contoh lagi Faizal Tahir bukak baju masa rancangan live. Bila keadaan itu berlaku, kerajaan mengharamkan 8TV buat live show selama 3 bulan. Faizal rugi sikit tetapi stesen TV rugi banyak.

Sejak Teleskop tu lagi, aku dah ada pendapat bahawa kalau kita buat skrip TV (terutama format Siaran Langsung), kita perlu ada skrip supaya everybody would be accountable for every damn thing that is said on national TV.

Konsep adlib (penyampaian secara spontan) berlaku dalam kebanyakan rancangan TV tetapi apabila ia berlaku dalam rancangan format siaran langsung, mereka di sebalik penyiaran rancangan berkenaan selalu cuak kerana takut apalah yang akan disampaikan oleh orang yang bercakap itu. (Ingat kekecohan rancangan Sensasi di mana this idiot actress hina isteri Nabi Muhammad S.A.W?). Alangkah indahnya kalau kita tahu si bodoh itu akan bercakap begitu supaya kita langsung tak jemput dia kan?

Dalam erti kata lain, apabila sesebuah skrip ditulis, penulisnya mempunyai pelbagai misi tersendiri dan aku selama-lama (for the longest time actually) sentiasa saja mahu impart wisdom biarpun secubit. Skrip bagi aku harus ada ilmu. Kalau setakat bercakap dan tak ada ilmu langsung, baik tak payah sama ada ia skrip untuk rancangan Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) ataupun Anugerah Juara Lagu (aku juga menulis skrip AJL Final sejak 3 tahun dah).

Now let's talk about the spontaneous scripting done by Aznil and Zul Huzaimy at the award show the other day. Daripada ikut skrip yang memperkatakan tentang the craze over serial drama (Drama Siri Berantai), they chose to make themselves "popular" by making jokes about other people (hence, Aznil made fun of Fasha's weird voice). No offense, but, where is the wisdom there?

Ambil contoh masa Que Haidar, Saiful Apek dan Kencana sampaikan award untuk Lakon Layar. Que baca sebijik-sebijik skrip itu and walaupun it looked like a farce, but the whole script was to define the actual meaning of a Screenplay.

Imparting wisdom. Yes, that is my justification in any script that I write but the masses seem to think that an award show is how could one be funny in Aznil and Zul Huzaimy's way. ...(Nama you apa? kindda joke) and to say, that is what the masses want would be hypothetical because I do not have the research findings to say that, but the media seems to be the voice of the masses these days.

Aku jumpa Director of Festival dari American Film Institute (AFI), Christian Ganes, masa aku kerja Finas dulu pada 2003 dan aku ada tanya tentang scripting an artiste in a live program such as Golden Globe Awards atau Academy Awards (Oscar). Aku tanya dia: "How do you get great actors like Al Pacino, Robert De Niro or even bad boy like Sean Penn to actually read whatever you write when presenting an award on live programs such as The Golden Globe or the Oscar?" Dia jawab: "We don't ask, we tell. Besides, they will follow the script anyway. They don't want to appear stupid in front of 80 million people that are watching the show."

Aku fikir, kenapa orang macam Pacino atau Penn tak try buat lawak ke, joke bodoh-bodoh ke masa sampaikan anugerah? Dan aku came up with a hypothesis that if I were Pacino yang pernah menang award Best Actor and yang dah ada reputasi hebat dalam dunia filem, I would not want to look stupid on TV either.

But then again, if these artistes want to measure their credibility and popularity by the amount of people laughing at their jokes, so be it, but in my head, are they laughing because the jokes are funny or just plainly laughing at those presenters?

Results may vary.

Zulhuzaimy patut cakap tentang keperluan rancangan muzikal di TV manakala as you can see Aznil was supposed to tell about how TV needs to have a balance between information and entertainment. But hey, people laughed at their jokes (which was not from the script). I guess they won. I wanted to impart wisdom but it did'nt work. Well, so be it. I won't quit.

Keep it cool people.


klubbkidd said...

sabar la bro. huahuahua... no offence, but get a moron to read bill shakespeare pun, it would sound horrid kan? huahuahua

it's always about chemistry anyway kan. i mean those yucky ad-filler moments where they bring some comedians pun sakit hati kekadang ngan jokes yang pukeyfying... but it's a must have.

me taking into context where the script was challenged to serve up more, as the momentum of the show was slow, what with some of the worst musical performances chosen.
and it was expected to sort of serve as a lifesaver, but didn't.

unfair maybe.. but nak wat camna. i know your work, and you know aku tak mean it personally, so hope you take my one line bitching positively (hears screaming pasal how the hell you take 'it was horrible' positively.

heh... we all have thick skin to protect our sensitive creative souls. you can prove everyone wrong soon enough.


PS - jangan amik hati tau abang saniboey. huahuahua... cepat tua kang.

Anonymous said...

you have done a good jobs bro..
pedulikan apa penyampai tu least kalau ada menda2 yg tak sepatutnya berlaku, you dah ada black and white utk defend you..

satu lagi kalau next time kalau you tulis script lagi..cuba letak in point form..tentu mengelabah artis/penyampai tu nak elaborate..he he..

kdg2 mmg ada org yg tak appreciate kemudahan yg dah disediakan utk diaorg sampailah kemudahan itu ditaidakan..baru diaorg nak menyesal

DonCorleone said...

Klubkidd - Things are taken personally at all time. No worries. It's a normal human psyche. But most importantly, it did'nt offend me at all, malah i took it as an opportunity to educate more. so, I should be thankin you sebenarnya for having an opinion about the script. So here it goes: "Thanks". :)

Superzac - I know u know what i mean. A good script can only be delivered by fantastic people like you. When people like you presents it, you know what I always say: "Script is merely a script, delivery is more important." Aku berani cakap macam tu bila aku tahu aku deal dengan presenter yang layak baca skrip tu.

DonCorleone said...

Anonymous - Thanks. Aku teringat Datuk Sharifah Aini mintak aku buat acceptance speech dia masa dia dapat Lifetime Achievement Award di AIM dulu. Dia baca semua yang aku tulis. Tak ada sapa tahu yang aku tulis but Kak Pah really look good at that time. :)

klubbkidd said...

owh.. bab hypocrite tu was one part aku lupa puji. that one had me laughing like hell! LOL!!!!!!!!!!

m.addyhadzari said...

Barangkali segelintir artis yang popular macam Aznil N Zul memang lagi suka ambil cara mudah nak dapat perhatian penonton dgn buat cara lawak...tanpa apa2 faedah.
maknanye they never care how to educate the people... walaupun they look stupid on tv...

mindset audien malaysia dah lama diatur macam tu...
so its ur job to change... :D

Siti Fatimah said...

1. sy ase, when my 1st time read ur blog. abg bkn mcm org melayu lain yg mudah sentap apabila ditegur. 1st of all sapa tak sentap. dh la tak bc skrip. dh tu org lain kata mcm2 about skrip yg abg berhempas pulas buat. tapi sy ase. wajar jgk kita trime sedikit sebyk apa yg org lain got to say about us. maybe i'm not good at this too. tp sy ase kdg2 ada kebaikannya.

2. ya the script is a bit boring. esp when adlin mcm syok sendiri atas pentas. lucky there were people laugh at his lame jokes. i got to say it's very lame because it's not outstanding like AFDLIN jokes.

3. but when the clip was turning over to aznil and zulhuzaimy, i think zulhuzaimi was a bit shocked himself too when aznil didn't follow what he is supposed to. obviously aznil started the catastrophe. tapi aznil ni kita tau die dh byk pengalaman dlm industri ni. cara die ejek tentang fasha pn sy rasa lebih sopan dr setengah2 pihak yg ckp mcm2 psl fasha. mgkin fasha akan terasa. but when it came from somebody named aznil she might just smile on it and cekik aznil after the show.

4. betul, kalau kita nk berckp kita perlu ada message yg wajar. mcm aznil ckp mmg menghiburkan tp takde msg. kosong. sy rasa abg perlu gabung tenaga dgn aznil. at least abg bole workout dr segi penyampaian. and educated aznil on something.

well just my 2cents thought. tp ok la jugak.. kdg2 ada jgk yg menghiburkan.

Anonymous said...

Well, if we know "sibodoh" itu akan menghina Nabi, we will advise her not to say that and not "not to invite her'. btw, when one interview someone, there isnt a script to follow by both!

I thought "entertainment" isnt just MUSICAL!

DonCorleone said...

Addy - Aznil memang ada stylenya sendiri dan kita semua dah accept style dia kan? Tak salah and tak juga betul tapi itulah keadaannya sekarang. Susah nak buat perubahan kalau orang tak nak berubah.

Siti Fatimah:
1. Tks for reading. Aku ni jarang sentap sebab to me everything has its logic.
2. Boring script - sangat2 general sebab semua benda ada yang suka and ada yang tak suka. We just have to accept that. i.e Orang yang suka Aznil misalnya akan sentiasa suka walau apa pun dia kata and vice versa. Itu naluri manusia. To me, Adflin is a very very good host and it's due to his experience hosting big shows such as AIM.
3. Fasha's joke - Not fun anymore. Yes, she has weird voice, but she was born with it. Give her a break. Imagine if she is your sister and people make fun, sedih kan?
4. Agreed - Cakap apa pun kena ada mesej!

Anon - A good host would know how to "handle" a guest in the show. But sometimes, unfortunate that certain things happened. Contohnya, I was in the control room when Rosnah Mat Aris said what she said. Imagine if we had Awal cut in when she started saying: "Macam bini Nabi...". Imagine before dia sambung, Awal cut in saying: "Okay...okay...sabar..."

As for entertainment isn't just musical correct and that was my point.

sultanmuzaffar said...

Itu lumrah kan. Kita nak educate, kena teruskan tanpa perlu peduli apa orang nak cakap.

kalau baca balik my entry the first part bercakap tentang how anugerah skrin boleh jadi lagi bagus untuk penerbitan kat malaysia eg tambah kategori jadi setaraf macam ata atau emmy. part tu lagi important dari cerita skrip, tapi as usual orang kita akan cari the sensational part ie skrip the second part of the entry.

apa pun kita dah cuba yang terbaik utk gunakan isu sensasi semata-mata untuk inject elemen wisdom pada pembaca.

DonCorleone said...

Sultan - Normal bro on what u said. It's the human psyche that lead us to see the negativity of things first before we go to the rest. In some ways, it's good too u know what i mean. Anyway, tks man. As i said, I take every opportunity i get to educate. Tks again.

Hazrey said...

deyyyy budak jahat.. aku baru ada masa nak baca blog kau ni. eloklah dari kau tumpang owang punya blog kan. read it through and aku suka pasal journalism ethics. Kau ingat sekarang ni wartawan macam zaman kita ker? Wartawan sekarang, asal boleh. Trust me, asal boleh. Ada pulak tu, pelat pun boleh baca berita. Hahaha.. lawak betul. Pasal scripting live tu, alah bro, ada moderator sekarang ni, tatabahasa pun teruk, dan boleh go through. So, apa nak peliknya, kalau artis buat suka hati diaorang? sebab dah ada precedence, so tak boleh salahkan artis semata mata, they should look into their house, kenapa jadik macam tu. fasha? ermm.. nice body beb.. heheh.. surely drooling over it.. akakakakak.. cerita pasal artis ni, diaorang ni ada value ker? buat apa nak peningkan kepala. tul tak? baik kita pi makan lala bro, lagi best, boleh tinggalkan handphone sedekah kat orang.. kan kan kan

Anonymous said...

relax bro si zul huzaimy tu buta huruf ....that is why he cant read the script aznil as usual laaa try to get lucky with the rempit for que he is going to be the next sensational actor..tu pasal dia displin..

as for the bitch aka whore that appeared in SENSASI well GOD also cant help her anymore...she is the mistakes that even GOD admit of creating such a slut....


Anonymous said...

If only AWAL knew what "sibodoh" tu really want to say even though she started to say "macam bini nabi..". Youb are expecting too much of Awal or anybody!

DonCorleone said...

Hazrey - Terima kasih sebab baca yek! Bila kau sebut "kau ingat wartawan zaman sekarang macam zaman kita ker?" aku dah tak peduli dah isinya...aku dok fikir pulak...macam kita ni tua. Kau kan lebih tua dari aku? So...DO NOT SAY: "Zaman kita!!!! "What the fuck man? Nanti orang tau lah kita ni tua!!!" Hahahaha

Anonymous 1 - I know who you are man! Hahahaha. Aku faham and aku tahu kau faham aku!

Anonymous 2 - I expect the sky man (all the time) cause it drives you to get the best from your host. Namun, at the same time, kalau benda dah nak jadi, ia akan tetap jadi. "Kun fa ya kun!" But, nevertheless, prevention is always good, hence, follow the script and always be on alert!

Hazrey said...

DonCorleone, fuck you, we are both old.. people can easily fucking click your name and see you are old, you ungrateful fucker. dont fuck around with your words when you dont fucking knows what you are fucking say. Jap, aku kira, baper round dah tu? That's fuck kan. ehh awat orang pakai anonymous ni, takut kantol ker? Fuck la, reveal yourself laa.. tapi fucklah kan, nanti kalau kau reveal, pastu those fucking asshole tau who you are, and you are being fucking bold, sure you'll be fuck up kan. So stay the fucking anonymous, you fucking dude. Hehe.. dont blame me, i learn this fucking language from the author of this blog, he is so damn fucking irrirates. Eh bro, when are you gonna write about Mawi?

DonCorleone said...

Salam to all - This is an announcement - Kalau you all rasa Hazrey ni telah excessively menggunakan perkataan Fuck, sila beritahu saya supaya saya boleh HARAMKAN dia! Kah kah kah

(Jokes long as the word is not use in a sexual manner....suka hati koranglah!)

klubbkidd said...

like i said, the word 'fuck' is easy to sum up aggression. delivering that frustration or vnting that anger in more elaborate words is harder of a challenge.

tapi kan...

ada aku kisah? layan! best! huahuahua...

like the entertainment business, at the end of the day, none of us are curing cancer here.

saniboey hanj kata nak call merk! babs lu! huahuahua

DonCorleone said...

Klubkidd - "Abang" call you esok yek. Today deadline yang buat aku luar biasa sibuk plak. Kesian kat "Abang"...tak sempat nak buat apa2 entry pun today!

Anonymous said...

totally agreed with you sani, coz many of my hosts are like that even we spoon feed them with proper scripts but still bodoh and gagap.. worst goreng sendiri sampai lupa inti..

abt ur scripts - this is what i think all tv station must set a rule when hiring emcee/hosts/anchor etc .. that they must do as what we tell them so.

Sayang.. budak budak behind production/prgram penat penat buat research, prepare this and that berminggu2.., but once on air, everything hancur sekelip mata by stupid ego hosts konon dah terror adlib but forgot their role to communicate and to deliver good message to viewers..

mak dah tak larat dah,.. ramai sgt sekarang perasan depa host popular bila dapat berlakon .. viewers tgk mcm bagus jer.. but hakikat some of this hosts lawan taukey.. lawan crew, lawan producer, salahkan producer, etc.. dah la lambat.. bodoh sombong..

ni memang tgh sakit hati pun... :p


DonCorleone said...

Mama, u know i feel for you rite. I still remember one of our top host, Ogy Ahmad Daud, maki-maki my production team (incl my producer) in Penang when she was supposed to host our Hadhari concert. She was angry entah kenapa and claimed my staff were unprofessional and that she had to hold a bunch of A4 size paper on stage sebab tak ada q-card. I remember when i was working with Sarimah....we just email her the script and she will do her own q-cards and all u know. So, I guess different host, different kind of mentality. Tapi mentaliti macam pandai ni memang banyak aje di mana-mana kan?

Anonymous said...

huhuhu...sori tuan rumah..but the script thats nigth was bored.....hope u can write script that academic + humor not academic only...that can make it not interesting....lagipon aku rase aznil n zul tu pon baru dpt idea camne nak havockan Anugrh Skrin pada mlm tu sbb rate2 mmg nmpk membosankan,....dgn penontonnya yg mlm tepok..n tak semeriah sblm nie..kalo mcm sblm nie pengacara yg over...but still meriah...sbb taun nie pengacara tak berape n ceria...n script pon malam itu menjadi kurang umphh...ditmbh pula dengan persembahan yg entah ape2...satu lagu pon xde yg bersesuaian dengan mlm tu....apesal amik lagu lain semua?..apesal xgunekan je algu2 yg melatari drama or filem pada mlm tu..kan lagik better..hope next time..buat script yg nmpk akademik sket n plus dgn lawak yg membina yg dpt buat org ketawa....just my 2 cents...peace...

DonCorleone said...

Anonymous - The show was conceptualized like that. They went with that theme. As for the boring script - I would say memang biasalah...ada suka, and ada yang tak suka. I get that every year.

Anonymous said...

Boey...i totally agree with you.

We can never educate those who do not want to be educated.

Trust me, i see this everyday.

Anonymous said... that...btw....teruskan usaha anda...n don;t give up k....bukan senang nak puaskan hati semua org...

DonCorleone said...

Anonymous - Kena ada cult. Kena ada ikutan. Perjuangan seorang diri susah sangat nak menang. Apa kata kita sama-mana kerjasama.

imborntosing said...

Abe Boey,

I totally agree with you. I was at the award show myself and I love the fact that there were so many things to learn from that script you wrote especially that orang Greek cakap actors as being a "hipokrit". I wouldnt know that.

Tapi IZ setuju with DonCorleone, there has to be a cult... hehehe... frustrating it may be but everything starts somewhere.


DonCorleone said...

Imborntosing - The Greek word on hypocrite tu memang awesome kan and I thot Datuk Jalaluddin Hassan sampaikannya dengan baik sangat. And yes, pls help me to get a cult going! Let's do it man!