Americans elected Democrat Barack Obama as their first black president Tuesday, in a transformational election which will reshape US politics and reposition the United States on the world stage. Obama, 47, will be inaugurated the 44th US president on January 20, 2009, and inherit an economy mired in the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and a nuclear showdown with Iran. (Petikan berita AFP)
Tapi living up to the title of my blog....I just have to go with: "What the fuck is wrong with the entertainment journalism" lagi.
Bila Datuk Sharifah Aini ada isu dengan Datuk Siti Nurhaliza - ada wartawan hiburan yang begitu menyokong Kak Pah dan ada jugak yang sokong gila Siti. So to both supporters, you know what I'm gonna say right? Correct: "Fuck you!"

Sama juga dulu masa Awie putus tunang dengan Erra, atau bila Erra cerai dengan Yusry KRY atau bila Erra ada isu dengan Hans Isaac atau bila Erra nikah dengan Engku Emran (you are totally the Queen)....masa ni pun, bukan main ramai wartawan hiburan yang memihak.
Again: "Fuck all of you!"
This is why sampai bila-bila pun agaknya wartawan hiburan tidak akan sama pentas dengan wartawan arus perdana. Selagi terus menerus spesis wartawan "fuckers" ini wujud, maka sampai bila-bila pun, kewartawanan hiburan akan dipandang enteng.
Tidak terlambat sebenarnya untuk kembalikan maruah ini. Aku menyeru semua wartawan untuk ingat semula etika kita. Aku pernah dulu dalam tahun 1996 sehingga 1999 kalau tak silap aku, menjadi Ahli Jawatankuasa National Union of Journalist (NSTP) dan aku tahu ramai di kalangan wartawan yang tak ingat, tak tahu atau lupa akan etika kewartawanan ini.

This is me trying my best to refresh your mind. Here it goes:
Canons of Journalism
The Malaysian Press reiterates its belief in the principles of Rukunegara and the national aspirations contained therein;
- It acknowledges its role in contributing to the process of nation-building.
- It recognises its duty to contribute fully to the promotion of racial harmony and national unity.
- It recognises communism, racialism and religious extremism as grave threats to national well-being and security.
- It believes in a liberal, tolerant, democratic society and in the traditional role of a free and responsible Press serving the people by faithfully reporting facts without fear or favour.
- It believes that a credible press is an asset to the nation.
- It believes in upholding standards of social morality.
- It believes that there must be no restrictions on the entry of Malaysians into the profession.
- It believes that the Press has a duty to contribute to the formation of public policy.
Whereas the Malaysian Press does hereby adhere to the following Canons of Journalism:
- The primary responsibility of the Malaysian journalist is to report facts accurately and faithfully and to respect the right of the public to the truth.
- In pursuant of this duty he shall uphold the fundamental freedom in the honest collection of news and the right to fair comment and criticism.
- He shall use only proper methods to obtain news, photographs/films and documents.
- It shall be his duty to rectify and publish information found to be incorrect.
- He shall respect the confidentiality of the source of information.
- He shall uphold standards of morality in the performance of his duties and shall avoid plagiarism, calumny or slander, libel, sedition, unfounded accusations or acceptance of bribe in any form.
- He shall avoid publication of news or reports, communal or extremist in nature, or contrary to the moral value of multiracial Malaysia.
- It shall be incumbent upon him to understand public and national policies pertaining to the profession.
Make me stop calling you guys (you idiots) as motherfuckers okay by upholding to these ethics.
Keep it cool man. (I'm telling myself).
Good night and good luck.
ive been reading urs.. most of it i agreed with u.. i like this topic. i know how u feel, coz it goes same to me. some of journalists i met or even from my team .. penat mak nak ingatkan depa.. mostly syok sendiri bila keluar tv.. hahahaa.. worst they do report based from press kit or what they saw straightly from da event but not behind da event or from their point of view for viewers/readers intelligently..
mama - masih lagi belajar, masih lagi mentah tapi kreatif .. :p
I think I know who is this Anonymous person. Tks sebab agree. :)
this is my first time reading ur blog
sungguh jujur dan berani
keep up the good work bro...
terlalu ramai entertainment reporter sekarang.. ramai adik adik lak tu.. and perasan mcm depa lak artist.. tapi bila baca depa nyr coverage, hampeh, kosong.. tah apa apa.mcm seronok sendiri
:p.. rahsia kita..
aku baru baca blog ni,tau pun dari, aku suka la baca entry ni,,dan aku tak suka baca gosip yang sebenarnya tak penting pun mcm kes michele dgn piere...
I agree with u on this topic. Journos have a duty to report. To embellish without facts is unethical and simply wrong.
Dah biasa agaknya dengan berita sensasi/panas sampai reporters ni lupa pasal etika. Saya rasa, budak-budak ni elok buat liputan high court/ sessions court. Or maybe cover Parlimen. Then diorang baru tau seriusnya akibat kalau diorang tulis tanpa quote, bukti dll.
Dah berbulan atau bertahun buat gini, diorang ingat itulah lumrah kewartawanan. You repeat a lie often enuff it becomes true (to the masses at least). Editor diorang ni pun, must be bangang gak.
Blog dengan media mainstream lain falsafah dan kandungannya.
On another topic. The papparazi style journalism that violates the subjects' dignity. It is simply nauseating to watch. And i'm watching this on our TV stations.
Kawan ni kena tumbuk oleh laki dia. Kawan tu kena khalwat...damn man!
This is our society, is it?
Kita kutuk orang politik, kata diorang kotor, korap, dolak dalik, lidah bercabang. Tapi kita masyarakat umum ni macam mana?
Memang best kutuk orang, bukak cerita rumahtangga orang on prime time TV, but the fact that TV3 actually airs it indicates that it thinks the masses love such kind of news.
Do we? You're the journo, man. U tell me.
aku bukan ada etika sangat, tapi aku pun tak bangang sangat hanya nak menunjukkan hey look at me, i'm the hot reporter yang suka buat hal bangang just for sake nak attention. what the hell ya. haih.
maknanya saya memang tak boleh jadi journalist.
kerana saya akan sentiasa menyebelahi lelaki lelaki kacak walaupun mereka yang bersalah.
Thank God saya tak rasa Norman Hakim tu kacak.
*yes we can! yes we can!*
Si Comel kalau jadi jounalist atau Editor Majalah barangkali Hadi Mirza akan jadi Cover setiap bulan! Nyahkah aje impartiality tu kan?
wahahahaha! transparent sungguh saya ni yeks!
a. Describe Canons of Journalism in Malaysia
- soalan ni keluaq masa exam saya two days ago!
wa jawab dengan penuh keimanan! wa bantai cukup2, masuk isu anwar ibrahim la, race n religion la..suddenly macam nak masuk law faculty balik!
yes, journalist kena neutral. n yes, Terjah tak beradab is so buduh!
kalau dah bossnya bangang, anak-anak anak-anak buah dia pun turut bangang lagi membangangkan...pelik aku. dorang ni semua sekolah ke tak dulu? aku yg x sekolah wartawan ni pun boleh buat keje lagi senonoh n tulis lagi baik...errr agaknya lah hahahah
fuck journalist bodo
Hahaha....anak-anak ikan....dah lama tak dengar benda tu...akan-akan ikan. Agaknya macam mana or dari mana originate terma anak-anak ikan tu kan?
Salam ....
First time masuk ni...dan rasa betul la apa yang di cakap tu...Makin hilang 'etika' semata - mata nak dapatkan berita??? Kalau perasan, sekarang ni wartawan pun dah makin 'glamour'...Habis macam mana??? sendiri fikirla...
Bro...saya nak minta kebenaran link blog ni dalam blog saya ye...Best la...saya suka sesuatu yang 'telus' dan bukan memihak kepada sesiapa...'SENDIRI ADA AKAL, SENDIRI PAKAI'
Demi kebangkitan .... sila lah link kan blog ini. Salam.
indah! yerpp..
saya yakin..saya suke sgt entri ini..(^_^)
love.leen - Tks. Jujur is the best policy kan?
wina - tks for your support. Support kamu amat penting untuk motivasi diriku. :)
galadriel - Really glad that you agree and as for what you wrote...i do feel you. In my latest posting, i talked about Editors tooo (the gate keepers i called them)...My sadness over the condition of journalism dah lama sangat dah!
Mizmaleya - Pendirian mesti ada...and etika itu jadi tiang kepada pendirian kita as journalist. And yes....jangan mula buat perkara banggang okay. :)
arnamee - tq very much ya!
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