Nov 18, 2008

Melodi kena "pukul", wartawan hiburan marah-marah. Distorsi kepada kebenaran...Masya-Allah!

Melodi, tolonglah profesional!


Anonymous said...

Serves them right and left...

DonCorleone said...

Anon -, is that supportive? :)

Anonymous said...

aku dah baca dan sudah jelas membuktikan sikap atau tatacara individu itu yang merosakan etika kewartawanan.namun pada aku sikap ngok penerbit melodi yang teruk dan jelek sekali.

ABANG TAKNAK SUNDAL:adik kepada pengacara perempuan di sebuah stesen tv terkenal bulan sudah telah kantoi ujian air kencing sebab ambil syabu kebetulan wartawan tv tersebut juga ada kat situ tapi tak cover citer geng diaorang plak.kalau yang takder kena mengena dengan kaum diaorang sure satu cerita masuk dalam rancanagn kecemasan.

heheh ruangan pojok abang taknak sundal dalam don corleone kehkehkeh sori sani aku gurau jer iyer...

Siti Fatimah said...

Melodi buat klaka. Slalu artis yg gaduh. Ni wartawan lak gaduh apa cita. Slalu cover story artis, ni cover story dia lak.

Sbenanye maybe artis2 dh ramai bengkek je ngn minah ni kot. Hehehehe.

Takpela Michelle. Lepas2 ni u try jgn hardwork sgt. Kesian plak kt Michelle. She's just doing her job.

DonCorleone said...

Siti Fatimah - One can only learn if they admit their mistake. Tapi kalau tak ngaku salah and sentiasa tegakkan benang yang basah...maka kita hanya boleh sebut...Biarkan luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya lah ye.

mizmaleya said...

donc: 'biarkan luncai dengan labu-labunya'. dan sampai bila akan timbul ya.

Anonymous said...

well, they deserve it.. learn from mistake, then only they know what all is about.. (itu pun kalau jelah dorg nak jdkan pengajaran la)

again.. tangkap muat nye cite.. what to say? lebih hangat dari biasa? panas panas or whatever..

MizzPhyz said...

True.Very.True Indeed dear 'Abg Takot Lipas'
and LUCKY enough for me am far away frm all the drama and yes!I do ALWAYS learnt from my mistake!

kate nenek saye 'Musuh jgn dicari, kelak membakar diri' Chill everyone! :D

Abby ♥ said...

Wow Saniboey, i really love ur blog, sebab u 'mengajar' dlm blog ni, macam kes current yg berlaku, u bg cth kes2 yg dah lepas, senang skit org mcm kami ni paham, ader sesetengah blog tu ,cthnya la 'saniboey memainkan watak antagonis di dlm filem 'bunga di tepi pelamin' tapi antagonis tu dilink kan ke wikipedia, bukan nak terangkan n kasi cth mcm u.

U nak maki ke u nak carut ke nak hanj sama org ke, u punya suka la, u punya blog kan, kalau x suka baca boleh jer blah. kan janet kan kan kan :p

Keep on writing dude!!!

Hazrey said...


It is a beautiful day for everybody. I can't miss this blog sebab dia turut mempromote-kan blog aku walaupun I HATE WRITING, I HATE WRITING AND REPEAT: I HATE WRITING BECAUSE IM JUST TOO BUSY SUGAR-DADDYING. I even had the thoughts of not writing anymore on that blog sebab malas. Aint like you.. ekekekekekek

Anyway, I did not read Utusan Malaysia but I read Berita Harian, itupun pinjam bebudak ntv7 kat mamak tadi. It has two full pages about the case.

Aku rasalah kan, everyone plays a role here. Down to journalist, the news maker, the editor, the producer, the content owner.. etc..

One unknown to me - Zainuri Misfar wrote about Melodi and even challenge Datuk Amrin the CEO of TV3 to comment on how this programme has gone away from its objective. I wonder whether Datuk Amrin will be doing so. And Im pretty excited too.

let's cool things down shall we because kalau berterusan macam ni, it does not benefit anyone, especially us the journalist community at all.

Anonymous said...

Melodi...go and fly a kite la!

klubbkidd said...

Bimbo... actually I believe Nona yang patut dapat exclusive not Melodi. Not sure.. tu yang aku dengar. Risik lagi.
Bab Michelle, I think she IS a hardowrking girl, and I respect her efforts. Not efforts.

DonCorleone said...

Mizzmaleya - Luncai dah terjun, dah lemas, dah hidup balik, terjun balik, kita bantu, kita biar tapi sama aje kan?

Akuinsanbiasa - Doakanlah supaya semua orang belajar daripada sejarah ini sebab kalau tak belajar, maka tiada siapa yang rugi kecuali diri sendiri.

Abby/Janet - Tq. I know some people had raised their concern about this blog. I thanked them too. I do not want to be misunderstood. Always read between the lines although as much as I can, I shall give it straight forward to you guys.

MizzPhyz - Aku tak tahu lipas lah. Azreen saja2 tulis gitu dalam blog dia. Anyway, belajar daripada kesilapan itu betul tetapi ingat juga kita akan terus menerus buat kesilapan yang lain dan setiap kali berlaku, kita mesti jangan serik untuk belajar.

Hazrey - I hope Datuk Amrin will support Melodi but also berusaha untuk make some major changes so that they will continue to gain respect from semua orang. It's a very high rated program with more than 2 million viewers I think. aku cuma harap, diorang tak fikir jumlah penonton adalah ukuran kepada kredibiliti dan integriti.

Klubbkidd - Aku sedih bila wartawan gaduh dengan wartawan. It's nothing new, but I always get sad with it. Gesel di antara broadcast journalist dan print media journalism is nothing new and i've been to both world. This has to end and semua orang should start understanding each other. We are journalist / broadcast journalist and we should stick together and serve the masses. I truly believe that u know.

Hazrey said...



Anonymous said...

mana si ayau? la komen sket dlm hal nih...mari perjelaskan apa2 yg tk betul

Anonymous said...

cute pulak si Michelle nih....apa pun...melodi kena perbetulkan la segala kesilapan nih...bro cor..kata nk menulis lagi dlm huhuhuhu..tkde pong!!!

Anonymous said...

aku ada kat anonymous yang masih lagi bersikap mcm sesetengah reporter yang tak bertanggung jawab baling batu sembunyi tangan..just admit ada reporter yang ada pada malam itu merunggut.
Tapi tak pa biasa laa dah nama pun reporter.nak buat lagu mana ..berani cskap kat belakang jer..tu pasal pakai nick itu laa.yang best nyer sesetengah laporan pada akhbar hari ni ditulis oleh mereka yang tak pi pun function tu..yang best lagi si zainuri misbah pc between ddb n melodi ko tarak..ko main tulis jer..ko dari dulu mmg perangai mcm tu eekk..aku ingat lagi masa aku tgh dok best interbiu rais yatim dengan muka selengge ko jolok mic ko sedangkan aku tgh dok buat exclusive with datuk rais hmmm well what to do..dah perangai reporter hiburan lagu nie..
neeway annoy. yg cakap we all suka lagakan artis ya ka..what bout artis artis yg kita org tolong..cth arwah yazid sobrani..dll kalau we all tak papaprkan haram mana media pun tak followup..think before you write..look before you leap..there is alway a defemation clause regarding this matters.. get it..dare enuff show me some balls do not hide under anonymous..:)

Anonymous said...

p.s. bro we still dont have the right eqipment n personnel to do super impose hehehehheh get our visual doesnt lied

DonCorleone said...

Both for Anon & Ayau (Am commenting in point form okay):
* Anon - You know my stand on writers' with no name right. If you want to he heard, you must brace yourself and have a name. Jangan sesekali baling batu sembunyi tangan. But then, Ayau, if whatever Anon says is based on facts, jangan bimbang untuk argue but also with facts.

* Zainuri wrote about the PC without attending the PC. I did'nt get the chance to read his views but one must understand that in journalism that is called "Observation". So, kalau Zainuri nak menulis walaupun dia tak hadir di PC itu, it's actually okay sebab dia adalah an observant.

* A Must Understand Facts: (Read Below)
i) An Exclusice: Only comes when you make an effort to do the interview with Rais Yatim without the presence of any other media. Itu baru exclusive namanya. Catching a respondent di ketika ada media lain, tidak dinamakan exclusive. So, kita ni tak boleh halang journalist lain nak hulur mic, atau start mencatat di saat kita tengah interview sebab respondent itu boleh diakses di ketika itu.

ii) But if you get a different story yang lebih menarik di sesebuah majlis from the same source as other media got, that is called a "Scoop". Maknanya, orang lain menulis tentang A and hang laporkan tentang B (which is lebih menarik). So, the next day semua orang buat laporan tentang A tetapi hang ada extra tentang B. Itu "Scoop".

I hope this clear the air on the understanding about "Exclusive" and aku tambah sikit on the meaning of a "Scoop".

Note: About "visuals don't lie" is a myth. My comment is in general and hypothetical berdasarkan kepada teknologi masa kini yang boleh diakses bukan hanya di Malaysia tapi di other parts of the world.


Anonymous said...

Amik situ, disekolahkan oleh DonCorleone, cayalah!

klubbkidd said...

aduh. tak abih perang camni.

ayau dan bimbo, i understand where both of you coming from.

cuma tuk aku, lots of things yang happen that i think are further made worse by 'watak-watak' yang tak kelihatan nih, and i don't mean ACCREDITED broadcast or print journos.


Hazrey said...

Note: Helo Ayau, kau tak terima kasih kat aku sokong kau dalam komen sebelum ni.. cisss... hehe

Exclusive and scoop. Hah..

True true.

Dear DonC the blogwoner and readers, I truly believed that Datuk Amrin is wise enough to handle this crisis. He knows and experience enough memandangkan TV3 is No 1 channel, so terdedah kepada komen dan kritik dari pelbagai pihak.

It is how it is being handled and the latest development of this issue is not helping, to my opinion.

Being popular, it comes with a price dan kalau 3.1 million people (which includes me sometimes sebab Sunday is my outing day with wifey.. hehehe) watching a program like Melodi, definitely we will hear 3.1 million kind of comment kan. So, bila dah ramai tengok, akan berlaku persoalan integriti, kewibawaan, ketepatan dan kebenaran sesuatu berita yang dilaporkan. For the fact, we cannot please everyone but as long as we uphold the truth and integrity of our reporting, Insya'allah we will be fine.

Dan of course, bila kita terdedah kepada semua tu, it is how we ensure that we uphold all those values in reporting and make sure we stand tall to what we report but at the same time don't leap, well that is what you said Ayau.

I understand the sentiment that Ayau has, he is merely standing tall to what he is seeing, and hopefully he is seeing it from a journalist point of view and knowing him, I know he is.

However, at times though, we tend to make mistakes, I do too and we correct the mistake and control the damages.

About Zainuri Misfar (Ayau, u got his name wrongly laa.. kesian bapak dia.. hehehe) tu, well, he is an observant, and I agree with DonC, just like me. Except that I dont write for any newspaper so you dont see my comment as observant.

I read thoroughly what he wrote, he did suggested some ideas, despite the 'bashing' (if you feel it is bashing, it will be bashing then).. But lets look at it as constructive. Yelah, again, bila dah popular ramai yang nak komen, haha including me laa... a small fly.

And no doubt that at times, Melodi did do stories on the kesusahan dan kepayahan artis yang tak dapat perhatian which after that, dapat perhatian dari pelbagai pihak.

In conslusion, lets not talk about this wedding anymore because the two bride and groom tengah bersukaria, kita berperang buat per?

Jangan Lupa Fikir. :)


affanazami said...

Salam buat bro,

Finally! I got to comment here. Saye cube bukak page bro ni melalui internet explorer, nampaknye berjaya! Previously saye bukak thru mozilla. hehe


It is sad sebab people mite menuding jari pada michelle padahal its not about her integrity all alone, its all about teamwork kan? saye tertarik dengan satu artikel dlm BH hari ni yg cakap, siapa sumber melodi sebnanye? Haha. Bro tanak bgtau ke sket2? ke confidential sgt?..=p

Alan said...

hahaha biasalah..kalau artis xde gosip doranglah yang watkan gosip..buat cerita seolah olah dunia nak kiamat..

Hazrey said...

And on top of all the comments, the truth is




Amir Hafizi said...

Well, we can all agree that Michelle is kinda hot.

At least that's a start. Common ground, yo!

Hazrey said...

Haha.. this is funny, Lets not be emotional Superzac. This is what we call freedom of speech. Good suggestion but unfortunately this aint your blog. Let's keep the moderation to your blog ok, and I think that will be sweet.

A bit of tickles and chill is good during a brawl and why should we prolong a thing that menjatuhkan martabat wartawan sendiri?

Sometimes, jangan lihat apa yang tertulis semata mata Superzac, because you will not see whatever yang dimaksudkan. Read and understand.

And if those what you call bodoh comment appears in here does not please you, well, you know what to do kan, or you can either skip the comment, put a folded A4 paper to hide the comment, switch off your computer or terminate your Internet account. Hehe..

Cheers and Chill Out Superzac.. :)

Hazrey said...

No problem Superzac, tak terasa pun, after all you are a hottie too. So how can I terasa when that was an opportunity to get your attention.. It is not easy you know to get a hottie like you to acknowledge an ugly and not an Orlando Bloom (ohh nope, Orlando Bloom belum diterjah lagi) kinda a person like me.. hah, see now I got it.. need my phone number? :) Or perhaps my email, at least that's a start kan.. heh..

I am speaking on behalf those without names and those that you didnt mention. And I am the Pengerusi Pertubuhan Komen Mengomen Sedunia. Keh keh keh..

It is not derailing Superzac, it is merely to let this issue cool down. Lets wait for Datuk Amrin or someone at the helm of MPB to make a statement. There always a solution.

I think, my (not-even) 2 cent worth opinion is it is enough that the matter being pukul and tampar dalam paper today. And I truly agree what Saniboey is saying (quote):

"Seriously, please don't let this berpanjangan sebab ia hanya akan bangkitkan permusuhan sahaja and that is never good in media.

Get your exclusives, get your scoop, be the best....and remain friends.

Well, at least that was my good old days with everybody." End Quote.

Back in early 90's, we did that although there were ups and downs during that. Banyak yang kami pelajari semasa di bangku wartawan kerdil, which I am still sitting right now.

Dulu, two newspapers were competing with each other and even tak boleh duduk satu meja, they kept on getting scoop and exclusive, berkejaran cari scoop and exclusive, dan sampai tak bertegur sapa.

And that resulted to one of the journalist being reprimanded sebab terlepas story. You see, last last siapa yang rugi? Siapa yang rugi? Definitely us, the wartawan.

So, in one way or another, we, oppss you and others yang bertugas sebagai wartawan, must seek a solution (perhaps including by getting everyone derailed from the issue) to this issue sebab the longer it is being discussed, it will just paint an ugly (yup just like my face), into journalism. Maka akan kosonglah kerusi pelajar di Mass Comm di IPT dan IPTS.

My suggestion is, kita perlukan people like you, Saniboey to uphold the integrity and let others know that journalism is not too bad after all; provided that we know the ethics and its demand for correct reporting and unbiased reporting.

lastly, Superzac dont forget to smile at me the next time you on Nightline yek.. Ingat tau..

DonC, tak sangka ramai hottie kat sini..

Superzac, cheers.. :)

Hazrey-Orlando-Bloom-Wannabe (any Nips and Tuck here?).

Anonymous said...

nip/tuck ok bukan nips and tuck

Anonymous said...

Hallo there...just m two sen worth...I rasa sememangnya wartawan Melodi hanya membikin tugas. Walaubagaimanapun, nampak seakan-akan macam Melodi ni nak kecohkan perkahwinan ashraf n bunga. sori ye but that's how i see it. lain kali team melodi kenalah berhati2...inipun bukan pertama kali...

yg benar,

DonCorleone said...

Klubbkidd - Thanks for understanding.

Hazrey and Amir - Keep the discussion free from memuji orang HOT atau tidak...but seriouslly, Michelle HOT? Hmmm....tak pernah terfikir plak aku. Hahahaha.

Superzac - I hear you. I thot of comment moderation too but I thot my niat was to have a kindda open forum on the issues of journalism tapi satu dua komennya nampaknya merapu dan terkeluar konteks. Tapi tak apa lah yek, sebab kita ni kan manusia yang banyak lakukan kesilapan. Apa pun, I shall ikut advice Superzac kalau the comments here gets out of hands okay.

Affan - I'm glad to see your comment at last got thru. Welcome my friend.

Nip/Tuck - U are funny man friend.

Anon (Farha) - I agree. Melodi is very very vulnerable these days and they have to be carefull.

Life Spins said...

What was Rudy doing beside her? (I needed to get the visuals right - otherwise I may have misinterpret the whole story)!
Was he involved in this bickering too? I guess I missed this part of the hot hot juicy juicy piece of Malaysian gossip.. lol

Btw, when was this? It was in the daily papers? Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have boycotted the papers.. They've become more happening nowadays.. hahaha....

Michelle Wee = NOT HOT

Katherine Moennig = HOTTIE


Anonymous said...

amoi hancing yg tatau basuh kencing nie mmg gedik. nyampah aku tgk.

Nov 18, 2008

Melodi kena "pukul", wartawan hiburan marah-marah. Distorsi kepada kebenaran...Masya-Allah!

Melodi, tolonglah profesional!


Anonymous said...

Serves them right and left...

DonCorleone said...

Anon -, is that supportive? :)

Anonymous said...

aku dah baca dan sudah jelas membuktikan sikap atau tatacara individu itu yang merosakan etika kewartawanan.namun pada aku sikap ngok penerbit melodi yang teruk dan jelek sekali.

ABANG TAKNAK SUNDAL:adik kepada pengacara perempuan di sebuah stesen tv terkenal bulan sudah telah kantoi ujian air kencing sebab ambil syabu kebetulan wartawan tv tersebut juga ada kat situ tapi tak cover citer geng diaorang plak.kalau yang takder kena mengena dengan kaum diaorang sure satu cerita masuk dalam rancanagn kecemasan.

heheh ruangan pojok abang taknak sundal dalam don corleone kehkehkeh sori sani aku gurau jer iyer...

Siti Fatimah said...

Melodi buat klaka. Slalu artis yg gaduh. Ni wartawan lak gaduh apa cita. Slalu cover story artis, ni cover story dia lak.

Sbenanye maybe artis2 dh ramai bengkek je ngn minah ni kot. Hehehehe.

Takpela Michelle. Lepas2 ni u try jgn hardwork sgt. Kesian plak kt Michelle. She's just doing her job.

DonCorleone said...

Siti Fatimah - One can only learn if they admit their mistake. Tapi kalau tak ngaku salah and sentiasa tegakkan benang yang basah...maka kita hanya boleh sebut...Biarkan luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya lah ye.

mizmaleya said...

donc: 'biarkan luncai dengan labu-labunya'. dan sampai bila akan timbul ya.

Anonymous said...

well, they deserve it.. learn from mistake, then only they know what all is about.. (itu pun kalau jelah dorg nak jdkan pengajaran la)

again.. tangkap muat nye cite.. what to say? lebih hangat dari biasa? panas panas or whatever..

MizzPhyz said...

True.Very.True Indeed dear 'Abg Takot Lipas'
and LUCKY enough for me am far away frm all the drama and yes!I do ALWAYS learnt from my mistake!

kate nenek saye 'Musuh jgn dicari, kelak membakar diri' Chill everyone! :D

Abby ♥ said...

Wow Saniboey, i really love ur blog, sebab u 'mengajar' dlm blog ni, macam kes current yg berlaku, u bg cth kes2 yg dah lepas, senang skit org mcm kami ni paham, ader sesetengah blog tu ,cthnya la 'saniboey memainkan watak antagonis di dlm filem 'bunga di tepi pelamin' tapi antagonis tu dilink kan ke wikipedia, bukan nak terangkan n kasi cth mcm u.

U nak maki ke u nak carut ke nak hanj sama org ke, u punya suka la, u punya blog kan, kalau x suka baca boleh jer blah. kan janet kan kan kan :p

Keep on writing dude!!!

Hazrey said...


It is a beautiful day for everybody. I can't miss this blog sebab dia turut mempromote-kan blog aku walaupun I HATE WRITING, I HATE WRITING AND REPEAT: I HATE WRITING BECAUSE IM JUST TOO BUSY SUGAR-DADDYING. I even had the thoughts of not writing anymore on that blog sebab malas. Aint like you.. ekekekekekek

Anyway, I did not read Utusan Malaysia but I read Berita Harian, itupun pinjam bebudak ntv7 kat mamak tadi. It has two full pages about the case.

Aku rasalah kan, everyone plays a role here. Down to journalist, the news maker, the editor, the producer, the content owner.. etc..

One unknown to me - Zainuri Misfar wrote about Melodi and even challenge Datuk Amrin the CEO of TV3 to comment on how this programme has gone away from its objective. I wonder whether Datuk Amrin will be doing so. And Im pretty excited too.

let's cool things down shall we because kalau berterusan macam ni, it does not benefit anyone, especially us the journalist community at all.

Anonymous said...

Melodi...go and fly a kite la!

klubbkidd said...

Bimbo... actually I believe Nona yang patut dapat exclusive not Melodi. Not sure.. tu yang aku dengar. Risik lagi.
Bab Michelle, I think she IS a hardowrking girl, and I respect her efforts. Not efforts.

DonCorleone said...

Mizzmaleya - Luncai dah terjun, dah lemas, dah hidup balik, terjun balik, kita bantu, kita biar tapi sama aje kan?

Akuinsanbiasa - Doakanlah supaya semua orang belajar daripada sejarah ini sebab kalau tak belajar, maka tiada siapa yang rugi kecuali diri sendiri.

Abby/Janet - Tq. I know some people had raised their concern about this blog. I thanked them too. I do not want to be misunderstood. Always read between the lines although as much as I can, I shall give it straight forward to you guys.

MizzPhyz - Aku tak tahu lipas lah. Azreen saja2 tulis gitu dalam blog dia. Anyway, belajar daripada kesilapan itu betul tetapi ingat juga kita akan terus menerus buat kesilapan yang lain dan setiap kali berlaku, kita mesti jangan serik untuk belajar.

Hazrey - I hope Datuk Amrin will support Melodi but also berusaha untuk make some major changes so that they will continue to gain respect from semua orang. It's a very high rated program with more than 2 million viewers I think. aku cuma harap, diorang tak fikir jumlah penonton adalah ukuran kepada kredibiliti dan integriti.

Klubbkidd - Aku sedih bila wartawan gaduh dengan wartawan. It's nothing new, but I always get sad with it. Gesel di antara broadcast journalist dan print media journalism is nothing new and i've been to both world. This has to end and semua orang should start understanding each other. We are journalist / broadcast journalist and we should stick together and serve the masses. I truly believe that u know.

Hazrey said...



Anonymous said...

mana si ayau? la komen sket dlm hal nih...mari perjelaskan apa2 yg tk betul

Anonymous said...

cute pulak si Michelle nih....apa pun...melodi kena perbetulkan la segala kesilapan nih...bro cor..kata nk menulis lagi dlm huhuhuhu..tkde pong!!!

Anonymous said...

aku ada kat anonymous yang masih lagi bersikap mcm sesetengah reporter yang tak bertanggung jawab baling batu sembunyi tangan..just admit ada reporter yang ada pada malam itu merunggut.
Tapi tak pa biasa laa dah nama pun reporter.nak buat lagu mana ..berani cskap kat belakang jer..tu pasal pakai nick itu laa.yang best nyer sesetengah laporan pada akhbar hari ni ditulis oleh mereka yang tak pi pun function tu..yang best lagi si zainuri misbah pc between ddb n melodi ko tarak..ko main tulis jer..ko dari dulu mmg perangai mcm tu eekk..aku ingat lagi masa aku tgh dok best interbiu rais yatim dengan muka selengge ko jolok mic ko sedangkan aku tgh dok buat exclusive with datuk rais hmmm well what to do..dah perangai reporter hiburan lagu nie..
neeway annoy. yg cakap we all suka lagakan artis ya ka..what bout artis artis yg kita org tolong..cth arwah yazid sobrani..dll kalau we all tak papaprkan haram mana media pun tak followup..think before you write..look before you leap..there is alway a defemation clause regarding this matters.. get it..dare enuff show me some balls do not hide under anonymous..:)

Anonymous said...

p.s. bro we still dont have the right eqipment n personnel to do super impose hehehehheh get our visual doesnt lied

DonCorleone said...

Both for Anon & Ayau (Am commenting in point form okay):
* Anon - You know my stand on writers' with no name right. If you want to he heard, you must brace yourself and have a name. Jangan sesekali baling batu sembunyi tangan. But then, Ayau, if whatever Anon says is based on facts, jangan bimbang untuk argue but also with facts.

* Zainuri wrote about the PC without attending the PC. I did'nt get the chance to read his views but one must understand that in journalism that is called "Observation". So, kalau Zainuri nak menulis walaupun dia tak hadir di PC itu, it's actually okay sebab dia adalah an observant.

* A Must Understand Facts: (Read Below)
i) An Exclusice: Only comes when you make an effort to do the interview with Rais Yatim without the presence of any other media. Itu baru exclusive namanya. Catching a respondent di ketika ada media lain, tidak dinamakan exclusive. So, kita ni tak boleh halang journalist lain nak hulur mic, atau start mencatat di saat kita tengah interview sebab respondent itu boleh diakses di ketika itu.

ii) But if you get a different story yang lebih menarik di sesebuah majlis from the same source as other media got, that is called a "Scoop". Maknanya, orang lain menulis tentang A and hang laporkan tentang B (which is lebih menarik). So, the next day semua orang buat laporan tentang A tetapi hang ada extra tentang B. Itu "Scoop".

I hope this clear the air on the understanding about "Exclusive" and aku tambah sikit on the meaning of a "Scoop".

Note: About "visuals don't lie" is a myth. My comment is in general and hypothetical berdasarkan kepada teknologi masa kini yang boleh diakses bukan hanya di Malaysia tapi di other parts of the world.


Anonymous said...

Amik situ, disekolahkan oleh DonCorleone, cayalah!

klubbkidd said...

aduh. tak abih perang camni.

ayau dan bimbo, i understand where both of you coming from.

cuma tuk aku, lots of things yang happen that i think are further made worse by 'watak-watak' yang tak kelihatan nih, and i don't mean ACCREDITED broadcast or print journos.


Hazrey said...

Note: Helo Ayau, kau tak terima kasih kat aku sokong kau dalam komen sebelum ni.. cisss... hehe

Exclusive and scoop. Hah..

True true.

Dear DonC the blogwoner and readers, I truly believed that Datuk Amrin is wise enough to handle this crisis. He knows and experience enough memandangkan TV3 is No 1 channel, so terdedah kepada komen dan kritik dari pelbagai pihak.

It is how it is being handled and the latest development of this issue is not helping, to my opinion.

Being popular, it comes with a price dan kalau 3.1 million people (which includes me sometimes sebab Sunday is my outing day with wifey.. hehehe) watching a program like Melodi, definitely we will hear 3.1 million kind of comment kan. So, bila dah ramai tengok, akan berlaku persoalan integriti, kewibawaan, ketepatan dan kebenaran sesuatu berita yang dilaporkan. For the fact, we cannot please everyone but as long as we uphold the truth and integrity of our reporting, Insya'allah we will be fine.

Dan of course, bila kita terdedah kepada semua tu, it is how we ensure that we uphold all those values in reporting and make sure we stand tall to what we report but at the same time don't leap, well that is what you said Ayau.

I understand the sentiment that Ayau has, he is merely standing tall to what he is seeing, and hopefully he is seeing it from a journalist point of view and knowing him, I know he is.

However, at times though, we tend to make mistakes, I do too and we correct the mistake and control the damages.

About Zainuri Misfar (Ayau, u got his name wrongly laa.. kesian bapak dia.. hehehe) tu, well, he is an observant, and I agree with DonC, just like me. Except that I dont write for any newspaper so you dont see my comment as observant.

I read thoroughly what he wrote, he did suggested some ideas, despite the 'bashing' (if you feel it is bashing, it will be bashing then).. But lets look at it as constructive. Yelah, again, bila dah popular ramai yang nak komen, haha including me laa... a small fly.

And no doubt that at times, Melodi did do stories on the kesusahan dan kepayahan artis yang tak dapat perhatian which after that, dapat perhatian dari pelbagai pihak.

In conslusion, lets not talk about this wedding anymore because the two bride and groom tengah bersukaria, kita berperang buat per?

Jangan Lupa Fikir. :)


affanazami said...

Salam buat bro,

Finally! I got to comment here. Saye cube bukak page bro ni melalui internet explorer, nampaknye berjaya! Previously saye bukak thru mozilla. hehe


It is sad sebab people mite menuding jari pada michelle padahal its not about her integrity all alone, its all about teamwork kan? saye tertarik dengan satu artikel dlm BH hari ni yg cakap, siapa sumber melodi sebnanye? Haha. Bro tanak bgtau ke sket2? ke confidential sgt?..=p

Alan said...

hahaha biasalah..kalau artis xde gosip doranglah yang watkan gosip..buat cerita seolah olah dunia nak kiamat..

Hazrey said...

And on top of all the comments, the truth is




Amir Hafizi said...

Well, we can all agree that Michelle is kinda hot.

At least that's a start. Common ground, yo!

Hazrey said...

Haha.. this is funny, Lets not be emotional Superzac. This is what we call freedom of speech. Good suggestion but unfortunately this aint your blog. Let's keep the moderation to your blog ok, and I think that will be sweet.

A bit of tickles and chill is good during a brawl and why should we prolong a thing that menjatuhkan martabat wartawan sendiri?

Sometimes, jangan lihat apa yang tertulis semata mata Superzac, because you will not see whatever yang dimaksudkan. Read and understand.

And if those what you call bodoh comment appears in here does not please you, well, you know what to do kan, or you can either skip the comment, put a folded A4 paper to hide the comment, switch off your computer or terminate your Internet account. Hehe..

Cheers and Chill Out Superzac.. :)

Hazrey said...

No problem Superzac, tak terasa pun, after all you are a hottie too. So how can I terasa when that was an opportunity to get your attention.. It is not easy you know to get a hottie like you to acknowledge an ugly and not an Orlando Bloom (ohh nope, Orlando Bloom belum diterjah lagi) kinda a person like me.. hah, see now I got it.. need my phone number? :) Or perhaps my email, at least that's a start kan.. heh..

I am speaking on behalf those without names and those that you didnt mention. And I am the Pengerusi Pertubuhan Komen Mengomen Sedunia. Keh keh keh..

It is not derailing Superzac, it is merely to let this issue cool down. Lets wait for Datuk Amrin or someone at the helm of MPB to make a statement. There always a solution.

I think, my (not-even) 2 cent worth opinion is it is enough that the matter being pukul and tampar dalam paper today. And I truly agree what Saniboey is saying (quote):

"Seriously, please don't let this berpanjangan sebab ia hanya akan bangkitkan permusuhan sahaja and that is never good in media.

Get your exclusives, get your scoop, be the best....and remain friends.

Well, at least that was my good old days with everybody." End Quote.

Back in early 90's, we did that although there were ups and downs during that. Banyak yang kami pelajari semasa di bangku wartawan kerdil, which I am still sitting right now.

Dulu, two newspapers were competing with each other and even tak boleh duduk satu meja, they kept on getting scoop and exclusive, berkejaran cari scoop and exclusive, dan sampai tak bertegur sapa.

And that resulted to one of the journalist being reprimanded sebab terlepas story. You see, last last siapa yang rugi? Siapa yang rugi? Definitely us, the wartawan.

So, in one way or another, we, oppss you and others yang bertugas sebagai wartawan, must seek a solution (perhaps including by getting everyone derailed from the issue) to this issue sebab the longer it is being discussed, it will just paint an ugly (yup just like my face), into journalism. Maka akan kosonglah kerusi pelajar di Mass Comm di IPT dan IPTS.

My suggestion is, kita perlukan people like you, Saniboey to uphold the integrity and let others know that journalism is not too bad after all; provided that we know the ethics and its demand for correct reporting and unbiased reporting.

lastly, Superzac dont forget to smile at me the next time you on Nightline yek.. Ingat tau..

DonC, tak sangka ramai hottie kat sini..

Superzac, cheers.. :)

Hazrey-Orlando-Bloom-Wannabe (any Nips and Tuck here?).

Anonymous said...

nip/tuck ok bukan nips and tuck

Anonymous said...

Hallo there...just m two sen worth...I rasa sememangnya wartawan Melodi hanya membikin tugas. Walaubagaimanapun, nampak seakan-akan macam Melodi ni nak kecohkan perkahwinan ashraf n bunga. sori ye but that's how i see it. lain kali team melodi kenalah berhati2...inipun bukan pertama kali...

yg benar,

DonCorleone said...

Klubbkidd - Thanks for understanding.

Hazrey and Amir - Keep the discussion free from memuji orang HOT atau tidak...but seriouslly, Michelle HOT? Hmmm....tak pernah terfikir plak aku. Hahahaha.

Superzac - I hear you. I thot of comment moderation too but I thot my niat was to have a kindda open forum on the issues of journalism tapi satu dua komennya nampaknya merapu dan terkeluar konteks. Tapi tak apa lah yek, sebab kita ni kan manusia yang banyak lakukan kesilapan. Apa pun, I shall ikut advice Superzac kalau the comments here gets out of hands okay.

Affan - I'm glad to see your comment at last got thru. Welcome my friend.

Nip/Tuck - U are funny man friend.

Anon (Farha) - I agree. Melodi is very very vulnerable these days and they have to be carefull.

Life Spins said...

What was Rudy doing beside her? (I needed to get the visuals right - otherwise I may have misinterpret the whole story)!
Was he involved in this bickering too? I guess I missed this part of the hot hot juicy juicy piece of Malaysian gossip.. lol

Btw, when was this? It was in the daily papers? Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have boycotted the papers.. They've become more happening nowadays.. hahaha....

Michelle Wee = NOT HOT

Katherine Moennig = HOTTIE


Anonymous said...

amoi hancing yg tatau basuh kencing nie mmg gedik. nyampah aku tgk.