“What is with the number 7?” Adman Salleh, a prominent Malaysian director asked me and I said: “Well, it’s the significant number in any religion.”

Then, the film was made and has Saniboey Mohd Ismail as the “penulis skrip” and was directed by the most prolific director, an Associate Professor I must say, Abdul Razak Mohaideen. The producers even got former Malaysian Beauty Queen, Erra Fazira and the hensem, Farid Kamil to star in the film.
Damn. I was a film script writer. Can you believe that I had “what the fuck…” going in my head for months! Frankly, I wasn’t that happy as I should be as the gist of the story was butchered to accommodate the world of commercial films in Malaysia. Nevertheless, the title I had as “penulis skrip” was okay. At least, you know, I can say, I wrote a film.
Last week, I wrote again. Not a film no more, but for the 4th consecutive year, I wrote the host and presenters’ script for Anugerah Skrin 2008 (ASK2008) that’s going to be held on Nov 7th, 2008.
I remember writing the the ASK2006 script where I went all out telling about the history of TV and even quoted Edward R Murrow, just to have it made fun of by the three of the most prominent actresses in Malaysia, one of them, of course was Madam Erra Fazira.
This time around, the ASK2008 script won’t be quoting Murrow because I believe, I have to write some sort on the level of the mindset and mentality of the local Malaysian artists. Don’t blame them, they have gone so far already, they have strived and sooner or later they will know Murrow, an American journalist and television and radio figure who has done series of radio news broadcasts during World War II, which were followed by millions of listeners in the United States and Canada and even historians consider him among journalism's greatest figures.
I know…I know, I should have just quoted David Teoh or something.
• Hey, this is my first entry and I shall be writing in Malay + English, Manglish, Singlish…as long as I think it would make you understand.