Okay. Kalau korang tak sedia nak baca apa aku nak tulis, baik jangan baca. Ini gambar rumah sundal di Amsterdam tapi cerita aku tak ada kaitan dengan Amsterdam, tapi ada kaitan dengan sundal. You ready?
Aku bilang (aku try cakap stail Singapura ni) dia aku dah kahwin tapi dia kata tak apa.
Aku berangan sekejap. Aku nak fikir aku ni macho sampai dia boleh nak mintak number....dan lepas tu aku fikir, kat Tampines pun ada sundal ke?
* Flashback 16 tahun lalu / 1992 *
Aku kena transfer dari KL ke JB (I was a journalist with Harian Metro at that time) and normally when you get transferred to another state, the company will let you stay in a hotel for maximum period of one month so that you will have ample time to find a house or room to rent. So, back in 1992, hotel yang aku duduk was Concorde (quite a nice 4 star hotel at that time) in JB (near Stulang Laut). I checked in at about 3pm I think and the minute I closed the door to my hotel room, the ball rang. I opened the door and there she was. A nice Caucasian lady with long blonde hair. She grabbed my crotch and said: "Sir...you want to fuck? Only RM100! Aku terkejut. Naif sangat aku masa tu. Aku cakap dia: "Okay...please wait for a while." Aku pantas ke telefon dan called front desk dan aku complaint. Lepas tu front desk kata pastikan dia jangan ke mana-mana. So, aku segera buka balik pintu bilik tetapi dia dah tak ada. Di JB banyak sundal rupanya.
* Flashback 4 tahun lalu / 2004 *
I was in Casablanca with a production team...M Nasir Destinasi Dunia that I was producing for Astro. It was a small team of 5. It was me as the producer cum script writer cum production managerl; Aloq the soundman cum technician; Fauzi the old timer cameraman and Arwah Jalil Ngah the fuckin cool director cum cameraman. Also not forgetting the man himself, M Nasir who was the host for the program.

After almost 1 month going around Morocco including Fez, Meknes, Ourzazzette, Rabat etc, we rest for a couple of days in Casablanca. And on one particular night, I told the team, I needed some time alone. So, I decided to swing by Hilton Hotel in Casablanca which is famous to play Casablanca (dir: Michael Curtiz - 1942) all nite long although history said that the movie was never shot anywhere near Morocco! And bila dah sampai situ, aku pantas ke kelab malamnya yang bernama Dark atau Black Horse (aku lupa d ah).
Pantas aku order minuman dan aku lihat ramai sungguh perempuan malam itu. "You're gonna laid man!" bisik setan di telinga. Hahaha (for real people cause i was not lookin'). Dan tiba-tiba aku didatangi seorang perempuan yang masya-Allah, lawanya nak mampus. She got blonde hair, big breasted and I swear I think I could see her nipples. Macam ayam dengan itik kami bersembang dan akhirnya dia bilang: "If you want to fuck...you have to fuck us both." Dan tiba-tiba aku nampak seorang lagi perempuan datang ke arah aku dan memeluk perempuan yang ada di depanku. Kembar seiras rupanya!
Dalam hati aku: "Yes! This time I will fuck!" Namun sangkaan aku kesasar. Perempuan yang bercakap macam ayam itu rupanya memang ayam. "You fuck us both...is 1,400 dirham!" What the fuck? Ada sundal rupanya di negara yang ada 100 peratus Muslim.
Aku naif? Bukan naif, tapi tak tahu macam mana nak terima hakikat.
Dan pantas aku ingat puisi Rumi yang ini:
From love, bitter becomes sweet,
From love, thorns become flowers,
From love, vinegar becomes wine,
From love, fire becomes light,
From love, devils becomes angel ,
From love, sorrow becomes joy,
From love, sickness becomes health,
From love, fury becomes mercy,
From love, dead becomes alive.
From love, king becomes servant.
Dan juga kata-kata Doel Sumbang dalam 1,000 Perempuan:
Perempuanlah punca rosaknya dunia
Perempuanlah menghancurkan negara
Aku lahir dari celah kangkang perempuan.
I am not sure why I am telling this story, tapi aku tiba-tiba rasa nak bercerita. Itu saja.
x eran la bro.
zaman nabi muhammad pon dah ada golongan ni.
the pearls from Rumi are soothing..
Doel Sumbang rocks.
aku menyundal dengan mata ja so far.
Teringat zaman jadi Crime Journalist di JB dulu sebab terma polis untuk rumah pelacur ialah Pusat Persundalan. Bahasa diorang kasar betul. Orang putih kata Cathouse. So, tak kan kita nak panggil Rumah Kucing pulak kan? :)
kucing yang GRRRRRRRRRRR!
Kau kata: naif
Aku kata: fresh
Sebenarnya: malas nak fikir
Beza? Tak ada. Cuma mungkin jarak masa. Fikirkan?
actually, its everywhere, cuma u have to read between the lines. its everywhere.
nothing surprises anymore...
I guess so....nothing is surprising no more...but everytime it still does u know what i mean.
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