I just knew it.
I wanna say: "Fuckin attention seeker."
I called it "menentang arus" here.
A Latiff Mohiddin called it "Songsang".

Read the poem below:
Maafkan Aku,
Kalau Aku Sering Saja Berlaku Songsang,
Terutama Di Perayaan Tahunan,
Seperti Hari Ini..
Apabila Semua Orang Telah Sedia Duduk,
Aku Bangun berdiri..
Apabila Orang Bangun bertepuk,
Aku Duduk..
Apabila Orang Ghairah Berbincang, Aku Tidur..
Apabila Orang Melepaskan Merpati,
Aku Menabur Padi..
Orang Lain Telah Merdeka, Aku Belum..
Maafkan Aku Kalau Aku Sering Saja Berlaku Songsang,
Aku Hanya Ingin Mengingatkan...
A. Latiff Mohidin, 1977
Siti Jarum maybe was on this path.
Or not.
Either way...F it!
I understand how SJ feels like at the moment
I wrote a blog entry calling Cheerleading as silly "sport"..
Lo and behold the blog entry was on FB of the cheerleaders of Malaysia. Even the governing body of cheer Malaysia
So now they are attacking me on my site. I think SJ's opinion is her personal opinion. Insensitive ? Maybe? Not right? Maybe... it’s like Bill O'reilly lah. He said the media circus surrounding MJ death is obscene. Am I an MJ fan. Most definitely. Was I offended by what SJ said? Nope.. It’s her opinion. It’s her right to express what she thinks kan?
tapi kan don
aku dah jumpa one unifying commonalities in all this hoopla
a) jgn mess with teenage girls
b)jgn mess with kipas susah mati
c) give a week after death before bashing
d) kalau kena bash.. ignore it. membalas will only FUEL the angry mob even further.
I expect SJ to balas these bashings
next week. if she balas the bash I bet more angry mail will pour in.
PROFIT FOR BIPOP! people wanna see their rants printed in newspaper! hahaha
by this time I bet she is doing it just to get a reaction. macam Perez Hilton! or me! hahahaha
bakar bakar..
p/s do you know that it is fun fucking with emotional 17 year old cheerleaders? they act EXACTLY macam dalam gossip girl or tween movies I saw on my PC.. its true! life imitates fiction.. LOL LOL
btw, ini pusi faveret gue lorr
I read it yesterday as well. Ah, she called it as kebebasan menulis sebagai penulis perdana. Let her trapped in her own world, not really bother on what she wrote sometimes..sometimes it'll be good, but more on annoying~
ku semang ni mudah sentap..bajet best la kononnya menentang arus....
cuba, mj tu asal dr negeri kelahirannya...mesti dia puji baeekk punyer...haha
setahu aku, Siti Jarum tu adalah lelaki. i've read it somewhere.
dari dulu mmg tak gemar dgn SJ ni. ergghhhh sakit hati aku dia kata MJ begitu. bedebah.
biarkanlah dia...jgn biar dia pengaruhi minda kreatif kita...
hik hik hik
Bro, saya memang geram dgn SJ dari minggu lepas...masa MJ buat konsert 1 dunia..saya baru nak kenal ABC tapi dialah antara artis omputih yg saya tahu..he's really a music genius..berapa ramai artis yang boleh jadi songwriter..that's why lagu2 MJ terkesan di hati kita..Maybe Siti Jarum boleh luangkan masa menonton konsert2 MJ di Youtube (free je!)...atau mintak transfer ke department lain...meja hiburan tak sesuai untuk dia!
ok apa SJ atau Encik Ku Seman tulis camtu.. at least dpt baca dr sudut berbeza..
pepe pon bra punya blog tetap cool!
Puas hati baca semua bengang dengan Siti Jarum tu. Tiap-tiap kali dia tulis, dia nak je lain daripada orang. PM kot? Publisiti murahan.
siti jarum lelaki?
mana hazrey.. mesti dia nak maki pondan ni
Purposely trying to make people angry. I bet what he/she wrote is not even her personal opinion. Just something to make people mad. Attention seeker. Pathetic.
Siti Jarum? Ape sume tu?
belle.. confirm ke die lelaki?? Wah!! Siti auww auuw lah!!
A'ah, Siti Jarum ni memang laki guna nama perempuan kiranya macam nak tutup dia laki. Tapi dia bukan laki aww aww ke apa, normal je. Sebab pernah dapat tahu dari mana entah. Hehe
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