Dia tetiba datang pejabat for some meetings and my boss wanted her to see me after that.
She came to my office and handed me a script.
It was Sepet.
She wanted me to read it at one go.
"Kau jangan stop-stop baca tau," pesan dia.
Then, I read it in 1 hour or so.
Aku call Yasmin lepas tu and kasi tahu ceritanya best. Aku sedih dengan cerita tu.
Well, I hope Yasmin akan okay.
Insya-Allah dia akan okay.
Let us pray.

terkejut tbe2 dengar berita mengejut ni...let us pray semoga Yasmin Ahmad cepat sembuh dan semoga our country xhilang one of the talented director..
tadi tengok berita..terkejut sangat2 juga..moga dia cepat sembuh~
semoga Yasmin cepat sembuh! AMin!
doakan Yasmin. semoga beliau cepat sembuh.
She is a strong person.
She will fight it.
Let us pray for her to survive and sihat semula.
Salams, just dropping by to share my prayers for her. Yeah, just saw the news. Hope her strength will see her through. She's truly a steel magnolia...
she's recovering kan? pendarahan dalam otak dengarnya.
The latest news that aku dengar di radio pagi ini ialah Yasmin berada dalam keadaan stabil.
Teruskanlah berdoa okay.
love her works!
semoga dia cepat sembuh dan bikin karya2 yg lebih gerek!!!
mengejut. apa puncanya?
good to know she's stable.
Moga Yasmin cepat sembuh. Baguslah dia sudah stabil. Alhamdulillah.
Industri perfileman negara masih perlukan dia, tolonglah.
hopefully with no ill effect
brain haemorage is crazy scary!
get well soon yasmin.. i just went to her bog to post best wishes
yasmin ahmad ni calon paling bagus untuk berlakon watak meryl streep dalam citer devil wears prada versi malaysia, tak taulah kenapa, tapi kalau kat malaysia ni dia sorang jer paling sesuai
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